Broooo. Okay. If you could, teach me how to translate. I’ll 100% help you. I’m a very quick learner and I do quite literally nothing all day so I could totally help you translate if you need to!!
Ahhh noooo. Me no like when others touch him. I can accept that Ethan wants to show him off to everyone tbh but definitely not when he gets touched by others I like the overly protective ones who want to show off to everyone but the second you try to touch them- Game. Over.
Ultimately,,, it was fucking Jihyuks fault for his brothers death... if he didn’t say it was “disgusting” that baby likes the bro, then he wouldn’t have ran away in the first place out of Fear. If Jihyuk never told the brother that our child liked him— they never would have had that conversation!
*sees guy in hood, then sees prof in two different places but at the same time* WAIT A SECOND—— IF THE PROFESSOR IS RIGHT HERE THEN— *aggressively swiping up* WHO TF IS THAT GUY
Not me expecting him to Actually hang up tho...
Be like “ehehehe, no refunds!” *hangs up*