Since I am seeing a lot of people who wants to read about switch couples, I found this list for you all. Happy reading.
Hey I am on chapter 10 but can someone explain to me how is she planning on getting protection for her real family if she is working under a disguise?
She didn’t specify that the prince was to protect her (although it is a condition for her to work for him) or her family as the reward at the end of her work, she just said “a life for a life”. She was worried he would turn her down due to her societal position. I assume she intends to reveal to him the life she wants protected is her sister at the end of it all. Whether she reveals her identity before that is unknown but it seems he knows
Even tho I am team joowon I am not feeling secure about my ship sailing. The author is being too vague about Hasoo’s response, we didn’t even see them kiss this raw chapter, nothing been confirmed. I feel very unsure about which ship will come true tbh. I feel like the author is just playing with us...
Do Koreans prefer the second couple more? Because why is the author focusing so much on them. Like they got a whole season to them then they were the main focus again in season 3 and now even the side stories???
my thoughts cos idk abt others but i love the 1st couple. theyre so simple and lovely to look at. reminds me how love stories dun need to have any complexities to be beautiful like theirs
ofc i love nan x guk too i actually love both couples and cant choose a fav
also i think the authors focusing on them since theyre more complicated? just my opinion
No I totally agree, I honestly couldn’t finish the 2nd season bc then second couple didn’t interest me much (more like toxic lol), but I still love them as characters. I really enjoyed season 1
Yall really throw the word toxic around for anything
the definition of a word really depends on a person’s viewpoint so *shrugs* I still love the charas regardless
i dun see them as toxic for me theyre just rlly complicated. im not sure if its just cos i relate to nan too much. his fears and even his of thinking. their back n forth progress isnt irritating to me like others describe. but still if i had to choose a rs for myself id want one like jaehwan and maehwas. so simple and adorablee uwu