誠治 February 12, 2024 5:05 pm

I want to start reading this because the art is good and the mafia stuff, but I wanna know first how red the ML is.

    dev February 13, 2024 12:28 am

    stop sign red

    kuro February 13, 2024 3:04 am

    Someome said he's not even a red flag he's a black flag

    dev February 13, 2024 7:08 pm
    Someome said he's not even a red flag he's a black flag kuro

    they're not wrong, zhenya is a black flag for a certain arc that slowly turns into pink flag so I rate that man as red flag overall ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    誠治 February 16, 2024 6:23 pm
    they're not wrong, zhenya is a black flag for a certain arc that slowly turns into pink flag so I rate that man as red flag overall ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ dev

    What'd he do??

    dev February 18, 2024 3:56 am
    What'd he do?? 誠治

    (⊙…⊙ ) you're gonna find out in the next few chapters(KR)

誠治 January 15, 2024 7:38 am

So spiritually, they didn't end up together. The souls of both Aeroc and Klopp from V1 were seperated into two different alternate reality.

In V2, Aeroc from V1 meets the past version of Klopp. In this timeline, only Aeroc can remember what happened from the past timeline (V1). This is why Klopp only gets to see the memories in dreams. As you can see, it focuses more on the POV of Klopp.

I honestly think that this was actually what he felt towards Aeroc from the very beginning, and admitting it would be easier if it wasn't because of his internalized "homophobia." Alpha-Alpha relationship is somewhat frowned-upon by their society plus, the fact that he sees Aeroc as someone superior to him hence, the demented behavior of Klopp.

While in V3, the Klopp from V1 (the one who abused Aeroc) meets the past version of Aeroc.

As far as I can remember, Aeroc will tranform into an omega later on. I've only read up to this point.

Honestly, I wanted to see both of their V1 version be on the same alternate reality. Makes me wonder how they would deal with each other knowing what had happened between them, will there be a change? Perhaps, Klopp will take the courage and Aeroc will be allowed softness instead.

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ January 16, 2024 6:39 pm

    Actually kloff don't deserve og aelock I want him to suffer even in his own timeline, they really broken people deserve other person so it's good that writer did that in different timeline with not og person. In my opinion it's thd best ending it could get.

    Ichinisan January 17, 2024 12:25 am

    "Makes me wonder how they would deal with each other knowing what had happened between them"

    Actually author-nim wrote another AU (but it's just like AuthorFiction (not fanfiction lol)), it's "What if" universe, where Aelock didn't die and he is in coma for 3 months.

    They just deal it with.. acted as if all of the abuse never happened and move on, and also the Family moved to Klopp's homeland to start over. Lol (but he also admit he was the one who drove Aelock did the crime)

    誠治 January 17, 2024 1:11 pm
    Actually kloff don't deserve og aelock I want him to suffer even in his own timeline, they really broken people deserve other person so it's good that writer did that in different timeline with not og person. I... RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼

    I didn't say he deserved him. I said I wanted to see them go back as og in the past to see what they would do, now that they both know what would happen. Doesn't necessarily mean they have to end up together. Og Klopp isn't forgiven just bcs he ended up with 2nd Aeroc, neither is og Aeroc.

    This is mostly because of my desire to see their psychosocial progress but yeah, this is fiction. Sorry I'm just thinking about it too much skksk

    誠治 January 17, 2024 1:13 pm
    "Makes me wonder how they would deal with each other knowing what had happened between them"Actually author-nim wrote another AU (but it's just like AuthorFiction (not fanfiction lol)), it's "What if" universe,... Ichinisan

    Bruh.... but okay. At this point, I'm just staying here for the angst ヽ(`Д´)ノ thanks for telling me! <3

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ January 17, 2024 1:44 pm
    I didn't say he deserved him. I said I wanted to see them go back as og in the past to see what they would do, now that they both know what would happen. Doesn't necessarily mean they have to end up together. O... 誠治

    There is actually side story more like made up one in novel for that where both of them has memory , both og didn't end up makes me most happier than anything aeroc got the happiness he wanted from his own alpha which og kloff never would

    JustCallMeApple January 17, 2024 5:32 pm

    The side-story ‘Lucid Dream’ is a brief glimpse of how both OG’s would interact and sadly you can see it’s toxic.

    Aeroc was too scared to even speak up his mind. Klopp was blaming him for turning him into a monster, it was sad because you can feel the longing in his words. Base from that, you know that it’s not that he’ll hurt Aeroc again, he’ll just never let him go.

    I think if they were to be placed in the same world. They would just stagnate. Klopp would take care of Aeroc, because he spent decades in a hell without Aeroc, so he’ll treat him like glassware. But because his selfish, he’ll coerce the relationship without consideration to Aeroc’s feelings. His sharp tongue will keep hurting Aelock. As for Aelock, he loves Klopp too much, so he’ll go along with it. He won’t open up nor heal because he’ll always think that Klopp is only with him because of the imprint. That his greed ultimately caused all of this…

    The only reason Og Klopp improved somewhat was because Au Aelock made him realize that he was the problem. Being with OG Aelock won’t make him see that, because Og Aelock won’t be confident enough to speak up or reveal his own heartaches, og klopp loves Og aelock, but because he only sees his own suffering… he’ll mostly cater to self interest. They basically won’t grow nor be a good partner to each other. This is all speculation.

    Honestly, even I have questions. Should OG aelock have known that his son Rayfiel fought for him? That his children knows him and long for him?Would it actually help him know that Og Klopp’s was in the wrong, and he deserves to know his kids. Or will that knowledge cause him more headaches and self blame… Aeroc did choose to die, it will be a question if he only endured more… would he had a future with his kids?

    How did OG klopp deal knowing that his cruelty killed Aeroc and caused the twins to suffer? He probably saw the pills scattered around the cabin. Was he horrified by the realization? I sometimes imagine him entering that cabin and inhaling the fading scent of Aeroc… and breaking down as he realize he’ll forever be alone in hell. I think it didn’t sink immediately. And raising those five carbon copies of Aeroc, was he tormented seeing Aeroc’s face everywhere he looks.

    It’s only normal to wonder what could happened. It’s a unique story, even the return and Au counterparts was a fun read. But it also left a lot of questions... (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    誠治 January 18, 2024 12:46 pm
    The side-story ‘Lucid Dream’ is a brief glimpse of how both OG’s would interact and sadly you can see it’s toxic. Aeroc was too scared to even speak up his mind. Klopp was blaming him for turning him in... JustCallMeApple

    Thank you sm! I enjoyed reading your insights as they are somewhat similar to mine. I feel like there was a lot of threads left untied (either purposefully or not). Regardless, it's fun to think about them and I believe this was intended to keep the readers mind open or perhaps to have our own interpretation of what could have been. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    JustCallMeApple January 18, 2024 2:52 pm
    Thank you sm! I enjoyed reading your insights as they are somewhat similar to mine. I feel like there was a lot of threads left untied (either purposefully or not). Regardless, it's fun to think about them and ... 誠治

    I think it the loose ends was purposefully made to challenge readers to think more. Like Klopp’s return, at first I was really frustrated that he still ended up with Aeroc, but thinking about it, he was only being true to his nature. Klopp wasn’t a good man to begin with, he tries to be, but he always places his own self interests first.

    As much as I don’t like Klopp. I like that Winter didn’t magically make him a good man. You can feel that there was longing, but Klopp was his own demon, so he hurts everyone around him. The arc wasn’t a redemption arc unlike so many return stories. Instead he was paving his own hell. It depends on how you interpret it, but for me, it was hell.

    Also the novel is filled with easter eggs hahaha so it’s fun to find things that make the story a lot more deeper. Like recently, I was sharing my opinion about the establishment of the imprint. At first, I really thought it was by instinct formed because of Aeroc’s repeated pregnancies. That was his karma. But to conclude that it was established because Klopp’s put himself in that situation, that he did this to himself… was even more haunting

    It’s definitely a memorable story. It’s different and challenging (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

誠治 January 11, 2024 2:37 pm

Hiatus for every 3-4 chapters is quite concerning. Is the author okay?? :(

    Meru21 January 11, 2024 2:42 pm

    Tbats actually becoming the norm for webtoons now to combat back problems and other ailments that come from being hunched over a tablet all day for weeks on end.

誠治 January 8, 2024 4:02 am

Even in the side stories, Hyunjae (ML) had no character development

誠治 July 16, 2021 1:17 am

I badly need the brother's point of view. I don't get where his hatred towards Yoon comes from.

誠治 July 10, 2021 3:58 am

So far there's no worthy of a reason to pity Hyungseo. He doesn't look like he was being abused compared to Seungeon who had been beaten up since childhood (though I still do not excuse Seungeon's toxicity). The insult he received triggered his superiority complex which I'm assuming Hyungseo has from the way he acts and the fact that he was born with power which gives him the idea early on that he can treat any individual the way he want, and get what he want. His father's envy towards JS had projected onto him as stated however, I do think his excessive sense of self worth had contributed much to his growing hatred towards Seungeon. His ego is threatened hence, he engages in a constant game of one-upmanship against Seungeon.

誠治 July 6, 2021 3:05 pm

Comments got me confused about the Namjoon name thingy. It was just mistranslated, the name should be Namsoo. :)

誠治 July 5, 2021 1:34 pm

Sigh. I just translated one freaking chapter and the next thing I knew I'm being harassed by her. I've been too lenient towards you despite being badly treated because I didn't want you to kick up a fuss, but you just keep dragging me into this mess you made upon yourself. This is an illegal site, nobody here really cares who uploads as long as they get to read. The people are mad because of your attitude. That's it, I have nothing to with that, so please stop tormenting me.

    Kookie July 5, 2021 1:38 pm

    is she harassing you or something??

    Jeyyy July 5, 2021 1:42 pm
    is she harassing you or something?? Kookie

    Yes, she told her that she's slow to translate and she's better than her. Audacity of some ungrateful bijjjj

    Kookie July 5, 2021 1:45 pm
    Yes, she told her that she's slow to translate and she's better than her. Audacity of some ungrateful bijjjj Jeyyy

    that's a child who just got access to internet, I'm telling you, her attitude is disgusting

    RIKA_RABBIT July 5, 2021 1:48 pm

    y dont u reply to me? u just want to put gas in the fire. i did it for the people who apresiate me uploading. they r mad cuz they think im a sniper nd that i compete with u when im not . y wuold i compete w u when i can clearly post more chaps than u? ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ the 2 uploaders too shuold be getting hate, they over upload me when im the currently uploader. double standards. smh smh smh.

    Demi July 5, 2021 1:49 pm

    Hi, don't let ppl like her belittle you. She's just ungrateful kid who got the phone early and doesn't know how to use it and not to be rude to others. It's illegal site, so what, who gives her any right to behave so immature and childish and let her throw tantrums enough to insult translators, uploaders and even readers. Also ignore her bestie.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Demi July 5, 2021 1:52 pm
    that's a child who just got access to internet, I'm telling you, her attitude is disgusting Kookie

    Ikr, she's comparing herself to translator saying she's fast. I mean cmon did you even ever try to clean, typesetting, translating by yourself. No?! Then why tf she's making so fuss about stealing others translations and uploading them in bad quality. And even insulting readers too. What a Childish behavior this is. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Kookie July 5, 2021 1:56 pm
    y dont u reply to me? u just want to put gas in the fire. i did it for the people who apresiate me uploading. they r mad cuz they think im a sniper nd that i compete with u when im not . y wuold i compete w u w... RIKA_RABBIT

    bestie go play with toys or do your homework, and YOU were the one who uploaded without permission even harassing the uploaders, also stop thinking that you're doing us a favor giving us badly translated chapters, so kindly stfu

    Kookie July 5, 2021 1:57 pm
    Ikr, she's comparing herself to translator saying she's fast. I mean cmon did you even ever try to clean, typesetting, translating by yourself. No?! Then why tf she's making so fuss about stealing others transl... Demi

    tbh I didn't understand a single things in the chapters she uploaded

    Demi July 5, 2021 1:58 pm
    tbh I didn't understand a single things in the chapters she uploaded Kookie

    Same i had to go to another site to read em or else i would've gone blind or had to buy specs. Smh.

    Kookie July 5, 2021 1:59 pm
    Same i had to go to another site to read em or else i would've gone blind or had to buy specs. Smh. Demi

    thank God another translator uploaded the chapters

    RIKA_RABBIT July 5, 2021 2:00 pm
    Hi, don't let ppl like her belittle you. She's just ungrateful kid who got the phone early and doesn't know how to use it and not to be rude to others. It's illegal site, so what, who gives her any right to beh... Demi

    hi there 60 year old pervirt. im not a kid im 13 nd i have phone when im 11. this is not my first time thats y i kno how to upload chaps i jus need time nd practice cuz i crop them to make it better. not that u kno abuot that.

    Demi July 5, 2021 2:02 pm
    hi there 60 year old pervirt. im not a kid im 13 nd i have phone when im 11. this is not my first time thats y i kno how to upload chaps i jus need time nd practice cuz i crop them to make it better. not that u... RIKA_RABBIT

    Pervirt ?! pftttttt kids. That's what you're being taught to call others huh.

    Kookie July 5, 2021 2:02 pm
    hi there 60 year old pervirt. im not a kid im 13 nd i have phone when im 11. this is not my first time thats y i kno how to upload chaps i jus need time nd practice cuz i crop them to make it better. not that u... RIKA_RABBIT

    so stop harassing people who are uploading

    Demi July 5, 2021 2:04 pm
    so stop harassing people who are uploading Kookie

    See this is how kids harass ppl. Omg ╥﹏╥

    RIKA_RABBIT July 5, 2021 2:04 pm
    Same i had to go to another site to read em or else i would've gone blind or had to buy specs. Smh. Demi

    ur exaggerating

    RIKA_RABBIT July 5, 2021 2:05 pm
    Pervirt ?! pftttttt kids. That's what you're being taught to call others huh. Demi

    at least im not an oldie like u r :P no one likes ur wrinkle ass

    RIKA_RABBIT July 5, 2021 2:06 pm
    so stop harassing people who are uploading Kookie

    i dont harrass them if they just tell people that i am not a snipe and i dont steal but they didnt

    RIKA_RABBIT July 5, 2021 2:07 pm

    nd its not like its hard to scan or sumthing.

    Demi July 5, 2021 2:12 pm
    at least im not an oldie like u r :P no one likes ur wrinkle ass RIKA_RABBIT

    Did you just ever come and checked my ass. Oh you real pervert. Pfttttt lmao. Go play with your toys kid. Sigh you just want attention, and now you won't be getting any.

誠治 July 2, 2021 11:25 am

I just came back here to check and dang... 50+ chapters and this mf Jooin still doesn't have character development. I read the raws and by the looks of it, there's a probability that this will be Love or Hate 2.0 where Jooin will date Cain but will realize he still likes Yahwi and eventually end up with him.

    jjxbl July 2, 2021 1:04 pm

    that’s exactly what i was thinking it’s starting to get annoying it’s been like 30 episodes of this back and forth nonsense and seeing the raws it would at least change things up if he just gets with cain even if he ends up with yahwi in the end

誠治 July 1, 2021 2:31 pm

Woojin lacks empathy. That's it. Every time Haegyung says something, he would always act indifferent about it. I'm usually lenient when it comes to this kind of characters because they tend to get more interesting as the story goes on however, I just can't seem to remain silent about this one. Ticked me off.

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