OMG COMMENTS ARE BADK can anyone recommend me less known school life shounen ai ? idm manga or manhwa but i feel like manhwa are longer and i rlly like to get invested!!
Have yaoi in it too tho
hi. does anyone have any absolutely heartbreaking tragedy bl like december rain and dont say 10 years pls.. ive read that way too many times got me SO depressed... i wasn't satisfied with the ending though, too unrealistic. still worth reading
If you like really heavy, plot driven, complex, & somewhat angsty & depressing story, try Sora's Eyes. It won't get really depressing until after 3/4 of the entire series, with the death flag constantly hovering on either one of the 2 MCs. It took that long for the series to build up the tension that just exploded toward the end. But at the end of the day, what really gets you is the selfish wishes of a dying person who is just so love sick for another, that he'd do anything to be with that one person until the end, and yet too afraid & proud to be honest with his own feelings, that he'd just drive himself to a corner every time. It's a human's weakness that a lot of people can relate to, & that's what's making it so heart-wrenchingly depressing.
i have serious problems with the way the author makes decisions.. the first part before the random aerak side story was SO good (if you ignore the yumin side arc too) then it was all GUTTERBUTT i honestly like misunderstanding and drama tropes but in here it felt very shallow.. the whole vibe of the story was probably meant to be dont judge a book by its cover but yuri ALWAYS failed to see past face value in everything... everything pissed me off bad i rlly love jaemin but authors should just stop making lookism/ugly mc/glow up stories if nothing substantial comes out of it and the "pretty" characters barely grow as people
the worst part will always be the r*pe it was so unnecessary and flawed in its logic (what was the point...) you can tell the author has no idea how gay sex works because how did jaemin lose his virginity in a shed w/o lube or prep but was still able to stand up and take a hit for yuri and make a dramatic ass speech LMFOAAOOAAOO? and making it even more unserious he even said hi to his assaulter the very next day... ijbol
side stories were cute but i feel like they should've gotten more individual effort on them instead of randomly inserting them in yuri and jaemins story.. also aerak dating his old bully that doesn't recognize him is so off putting to me it is so ironic considering the initial premise of the manhwa was lookism towards jaemin and dongyung (i forgot his name) and old aerak.. i cannot believe the rapist got a whole spin off happily ever after manhwa instead of the other 2 BYE
Hi baby
Ariana what are you doing here..
I fully agree with you