Saccharine followed a list
Saccharine followed a list
Saccharine followed question about question

Is it possible to have a s/o with them knowing ur on this site reading the craziest bls ever written or yall hide it from everyone else too?

27 10,2024
Saccharine answered question about question
I’m literally DEVASTATED. Ivan sacrificed himself for till but he died in the next round wth and I can’t even be mad at Luca that gorgeous evil mf I actually have an exam tomorrow but i can’t fucking focus bc of this shit dammit ヽ(`Д´)ノ ╥﹏╥ vivinos needs to pay for my therapy
Saccharine followed question about question

Vivinos you shall pay. For everyrhing . I did NOT sign uo for this . Anwyays whats yall thoughts.

25 10,2024
Saccharine asked a question
Saccharine like the experience about question
i feel like i'll just let people come and go. Friends, lover or whatever other has no more meaning to me as I feel like everyone has their own people already. I am extremely late to making friends (16 but is graduating soon) and along with incapable of keep people around me. I don't have anybody else who is willing to communicate with me nonstop an......
Saccharine like the experience about question
I fear for what I have in the future. I'm losing myself and those around me. Im willing to sabotage myself just to be somebody's choice/option. I'm scared of losing my friends, family and eventually my own mind. I've already committed a bunch of unforgivable things and said thing that aren't very good but not bad enough to make me unredeemable as a......
Saccharine like the answer
Damn first of all sorry about your exes and ex buddies Also (hypothetically cuz I don't date) If someone ever lets me know I hurt them, I drop off the face of the earth never to see them again: blocked, deleted, avoiding every place we hung out together. Bonus flags: I overshare at first but later get shady about my personal life because I'm as......
Saccharine followed a goer

I'm an Isekai whore

18 10,2024
Saccharine answered question about question
I absolutely hate talking about myself or my past bc I hate myself ig I don’t even remember anything past 9th grade lol. I’ll also ghost you for months if I get a tipsy bit uncomfortable or feel like you don’t like me anymore. I am also super suspicious and self conscious . I get hurt easily annd keep grudges Also since people in my country a......
Saccharine answered question about question
Saccharine followed a goer

i did not get that academic 
comeback yall  
(dont listen to me from last year) I AM BACK

be getting that academic 
comeback this year..

another update 2 weeks later, we must now wait for the results.

another update more like a month later, i failed.

30 09,2024
Saccharine followed a goer

23 M | ⚣

Decade on this stupid website. 
Someone put me out of my misery already.

Not my first account, 2014 -
• Fujos DNI
• "BL enjoyers" DNI
• Whatever the fuck else y'all call 
yourselves DNI

I do NOT have other accounts in use.
Blocking finger is trigger-happy.
Important -
If it wasn't already obvious
from the shit they post,
this is NOT me.

29 09,2024
Saccharine followed question about question

What's the most questionable/interesting texts you seen between users? It can be from the forums it can be from a comment section or hack you can even show your own messages between users idc +do you know what you guys are going to be for Halloween?

29 09,2024
Saccharine followed question about question

i wanna be glued to ma screen

09 09,2024
Saccharine followed a list

I love reading egoist MLs suffer when the FL moves on from loving them, apologising & regretting. 

Ratings /10 on how satisfying the angst is:

》9 - 10: Will make you both angry+satisfied.
》6 - 8: Good, but doesn't DELIVER angst
》4 - 5: Disappointing. Scum didn't suffer enough.
》1 - 3: Cancerous material. Will lose brain cells.

Added really good "haha suffer more you piece of shit" novels with novelupdate links. Highly recommend u read them.

29 08,2024
Saccharine followed question about question

its been forever since I've read a good plot with an interesting yandere ml. any recs? i am literally open to anything lol but id rather it be genuinely interesting where rap3 isnt the entire plot

29 08,2024