Time to reread lol
Nooo whaaat
The baby is soooo cuuteee omg
Im dying lol
Do u want to build a snowman? ~
Or ride a bike across the hall
i think some company is overdue (β°Λβ‘Λβ°)
I started talking to the pictures on the wall α(Β΄Ϊ‘`α)
It gets a little lonely, β₯οΉβ₯
Its really giving more anxiety on my own anxiety lol lemme just take a break from this lol
Yooooo fcccckkkkkkkkkkAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSsobbbiingg crryyinng throwing upppp
I mean i like angst in manhwas and all but boi u all make me depressed lol pls stop β₯οΉβ₯
Time to reread lol