I suffer from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), since 3 years now.
I love yaoi... but I started to hate it cause of my OCD.
One day, things changed when I was reading, watching Yaoi.
With my disorder, uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts appeared
It was the case when I was reading, watching yaoi.
Obsessions around sexuality started. I was affraid to do things I'll regret.
Cause of my OCD, I had to stop reading, watching Yaoi, but it was difficult cause of my passion for this.
Now I can tell it's like an addiction...
So I read shounen Ai and it's like nothing changed.
My wish ? read manga yaoi, watch anime yaoi, like before, without thoughts...
Your turn, tell me your story :
Do you have OCD ? How do you live it ?
I ship soorim with hooni... Am I the only one ?
I don't think they gonna hang out together but it would be great if it was the case
Anyway, this webtoon is good !
isnt soorim a middle schooler
I think he's 15, because Hooni is 17 and he mentioned Soorim being 2 years younger than him-