Hong Il-tak, the only red spot at Daemun Namgo. Despite his name and nickname, he's a boy, and his d...
- Author: Park gee,Parkgee
- Genres: Comic / Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Ecchi / Mature / Action / Boys / Delinquents / Fetish / Romance / School Life Comic Webtoons Action Boys Delinquents Fetish Romance School Life
Hinata's a fox who's become the bride of Kyouya, a member of the wolf pack. Their tribes a...
- Author: Teo akihisa
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Drama
"So, shall we get started on the most pleasurable imprisonment you'll ever know?"Numb...
- Author: Sumeshi
- Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut