Someone need to explain dojin that forcing sex on someone who's asleep is a big no no
I didn't think it was the scene rape, of course it started well like: what are you doing Dojin? But I think the fact that Hyesung is tsunderê that makes it react like that and I agree with the analysis Alleons posted above ...
Now just because they're married and being their honeymoon doesn't mean Hyesung is forced to have sex with him. There is also rape in marriage, consent is required.
Mister, I will kindly ask you to leave this place and my boys in peace, and I can diligently advice you to go eat some rotten assholes.
Ok my rent is done. But like, how do you expect to win, cheating jerk ? Pulling the "I'm his man" card ? To someone you RAPED 3 TIMES ??? Acting violently ?
Crappy shitty disgusting character that I love to hate with all my being
That gal a double trap I'm sure.
First, I bet my hand on it that she secretly work for psycho-boy
Second, That she Is A FUCKING HE ! Cross-dressing trick Track TRIPITY T.R.A.P as fuckin Hell !
But u gonna see that big dumbass uke gonna be Oblivious and think she pregnant
(Also I'm pretty sure that's actually the long lost best friend, and I put MY ASS ON IT, they're gonna do the nasty at some point)
Ok so those new chapter are THE SWEETEST !!! like, cute, Steamy SMEXY L.O.V.I.N.G sex.....
Also McQueen being like: you don't like seeing me fuck my boyfriend ? Too bad I'm going to do it two more time.
Aaaaaghh I can't.
And the new cover is a pleasure to the eye !
But like... Alll is going to well ? I feel the conflict coming, maybe another guy ? Shang being full big gay for big Eddie...
Ok so thank for the hard work crappy, and thanks to fts to take the lead ! Also, I hope author San will get well soon...
And now, angry fangirl rambling:
LIKE IF A FUCKIN HUMONGOUS SIDE STORY WASN'T ENOUGH , THERE'S EVEN MORE DRAMA ????? Like, that Chinese dude that I suppose to be an ex gonna fuck up the whole poor excuse of progress we only have, and we will have to wait even more for some progress on the main story #><# we're long past the slow burn now, nearly 100 chapter, and we're even after than at the beginning regarding the main story
Sad thing is we might not ever be able to read it if china successfully bans all its ppl from using VPN
Heck ? What what what ? What da hell is happening in China ?
Oh pls disregard my comment I confused the facts.