It seems most readers are finding her weak but truthfully she is realistically strong. Most of these type of stories with "strong FL" that we read tend to have a plot where it is always putting the FL in situation where her strength brings back good consequences and they always go her way. But here I feel like this girl is actually relatable and feels like a normal girl (so far). She is actually in a situation where she has no idea how to go about helping the ML. And all she really wants is to help him even at the cost of her life. Every action since she has been brought to this world has been to help him. But any solutions she can come up with at the moment seem to lead the same pain and death for the ML. I am pretty sure if the seal wasn't on her she would do everything in her power to be with him without any hesitation. I quite like this plot and her character. Since she has been isekai-ed there she has been alone trying to help this very very broken person. Well I'm done trying to defend her. Hope some of you can try to see from her perspective a little as well. If everyone still can't see her strength then its your opinion you are entitled to. Enjoy the story!

I see where you're coming from, but she's always so....
How do I say this.
It's more realistic to not know what to do in these situations, true,
But every problem she jumps into is usually resolved in this way:
-MC encounters trouble and doesn't know what to do.
-She can do option A, but x could go wrong, or she could do option B, where z could go horribly wrong.
-After thinking about it for 3/4 of the chapter, she resolves to do option A, as it is the safest option.
-But wait! Something happens.
-She ends up doing option B.
I don't mind a character being a bit indecisive, but this pattern repeats itself again, and again, and again.
She wants to stay strong but always, ALWAYS ends up crying or looking troubled in front of him.
Im just tired of it.

I know there will be hate from fans for saying this but this start is just too creepy. Even if the Uke was faking sleep, the Seme still did it thinking he was asleep. For all things considered for the Seme, he should know that he was raping the person he claims to love right? That would just be too creepy irl. But I guess the Uke loves the Seme despite all that. I mean he did fake sleep the whole time. That in itself is a little weird. Maybe that's why they belong together. lol

I agree that it’s a weird start and they do belong together but disagree with the rest of your comment. The uke faking sleep and loving the situation is still consensual or his part.

I get that it's not rape cuz that uke wanted it too. BUT what I meant was that the Seme didn't know the person he loves wasn't drunk and awake. Thus, until the moment the uke told him the truth, the Seme should have thought that what he did was not consensual and that had he raped the Uke. Which is as always, a trope in yaoi.

He didn't know but that still doesn't change the reality that the uke was wide awake and wanted sex so I do not consider it raping. The uke made it clear he was consenting. I am not a fan of how things went down, it's dumb and I wish it didn't need to go this way but that is how their relationship got started. I actually read a lot of Yaoi and tend to avoid actual rape tropes. Many Yaoi involves consent as well.

I just read the raws and it was so awful. This Fu**king cheater cries with guilt with cheating partner and calls his faithful lover his "other half". After crying of guilt of his "other half" he was still flirting with this other dude saying lets do it for the last time. The Fu*ker. I hate him. He deserved the beating he got from his lover. but what I hated the most was that they STILL ended up together. The guy got cheated on had never even expected that from his partner until he saw it with his own eyes. He loved and trusted him with all his heart. He deserves better. Even though I Love Abe Akane I hate this manga.

correct, they got back too quickly..should have left him to dwell on remorse

I have to disagree with you on this. The uke in that series was straight since the beginning and it was the seme the one who forced him into having sex. I'm lesbian, I don't see guys as sexual partners, if a guy forced me into having sex with him I would hate him. But the uke loved him so that's why, in the end, he choose to be with him even though he likes girls. I'm not saying that his cheating I less wrong than Nachan's but the situation is totally different. They didn't have any problems. They both liked each other (they were both gay probably). And yet he cheated multiple times just because he needed a bit of excitement? Just what the fuck. If someone cheated on me I would like to know because I have the right to choose if I want to keep being in that kind of relationship. Nachan fucked the other guy, he felt guilty but kept doing it without intentions of even confessing. That's just being egoistical. If you're dissatisfied just break it off. Otherwise the rest of the world has the right to call you an asshole.

In Ubawareru, the straight guy still stuck around with his friend knowing that he was wanting an exclusive relationship with him. If he can't do it, he should've been adamant in rejecting him instead of feeding his friend's feelings with hope that he will stay with him and not do other girls. He purposely cheated with the convenience that his friend is obsessed with him and will stick around to make food for him.
There's nothing wrong with your assessment of Nacchan. He is everything what you say about him but in their situation, being the perfect couple ever since they learned about love (they started really young, middle school, they are each other's first love), they were never selfish in that relationship and this is probably the first time they had. The reason may sound stupid because you know how shit selfishness feels like, I presume. But these two don't. Breaking it off is a form of selflessness which these two have been practicing their whole life being together. They never experienced being selfish because they didn't have any other experience and didn't have any reason to. I don't understand Japanese so I don't know if Nacchan ever felt any emotional connection with the other guy (was his name Naoki? Not sure nevermind), if he never did then he was just simply a tool. It doesn't sound nice for "Naoki" but for Arata, it's reassuring (that feeling is not for everyone obviously but maybe for Arata it is). Reassuring in the sense that no matter who they try out they will always find each other the perfect and only partner for them. This sentence is hard to pull off, I hope I was able to make sense. Sorry, if it sounds stupid.

Since you said you don't understand Japanese I will presume you didn't read the raws. I can tell you with confidence that your opinion will change once you read to that point. If not I would like to tell you my reason. For me, the reason is that the seme in Ubawareru knew what he was getting into when he started that relationship. the Uke in Ubawareru is always distracted by girls and when he cheated their relationship wasn't exactly put into words. It was just started forcefully from seme. Yeah the Uke is a Dick but it is just not the same. What Natsuki did was just the utter violation of the pure and unclouded trust that Arata had in him. The thing is he STILL claimed to love Arata WHILE doing it with the other guy and again he was found out by Arata WHILE in the act. That betrayal would break my heart if I was Arata.

In ubawareru just like everybody have already said seme forced uke in to the relationship amd seme already knew how obsseses he was with boobs , and he cheated once where in this case nachan cheated multiple times mind you he was in a commited relationship where he loved arata cheated multiple times and even after getting caught asked the black guy to have sex for one last time like it was some joke.to me ubawareru is nothing compared to nachan not even nacahn cheated multiple times but dare to mock the sadness of arata by asking black hair dude foe sex again .and cheating is not something to be selfish about .trust me it is not needed in amy relationship .i do agree love won but the hole that is done by cheating will remain forever .evertime arata will have a sharp pain when he will remember that the person he loved the most was sucking someone other's dick .it is the worst feeling ever.to remember each time the past what has been done to you.one time cheating can be in a heat of moment but multiple time was because you wanted to.and no where it os reassuring pennyinheaven notbody likes their partner having sex even if they are using the other one for just a tool unless sex is something to be toyed for them.to couple.sex is somthing they do out of love. To feel the intimacy that this person is only mine and he will only be mine his body and soul but nachan took that away from him. no matter what you were in school you never get to have any partner ,he dont have any right to play with someone who is loyal and love him.destroying someone's loyalty is the worst thing you can do and he did that.

I don't know how I will tag both comments to this one.
Okay let me introduce the concept of love and sex as two different entities/entities. They are not all the time exclusive with each other. I don't know if you guys know or believe in this but it happens. The person you are having sex with does not always have to be the person you love.
SO the part where Nacchan was still claiming he loves Arata even after being caught in the act could be true. I know it sounds bullshit because the idea is you have to have sex with the person you love but it's not always the case. The premise is that they never had anyone apart from each other since middle school. Thus they never felt the need to treasure what they have because the general idea is that their relationship is going to stay the way it has always been. BTW, I've read the raws months ago and I know the general story.
Mocking Arata's sadness by sleeping with the guy after getting caught: WHY WOULD YOU ASSUME HE WAS MOCKING IT? Sorry but I am just putting myself on Nacchan's head and I don't think it works that way. It was like saying goodbye to a vice one last time. He enjoyed the ride or the experience but finally saying goodbye to it for good. AND how would you know ANON that it will stay forever on Arata. You don't know that. Arata beating up Nacchan was a cathartic experience. Nacchan accepted that anger and his mistakes. The only way for Arata to forever doubt Nacchan if he does it the second time but Nacchan finding out that his feelings for Arata will never change, I doubt he would do that again, thus Arata may never have that doubt. It's a long process. It will take time before Arata can get over what happened but it's not forever. Why? Because they've been together since middle school, yeah going back to the premise.
Selfishness and selflessness goes backwards in this story. They discovered selfishness while being selfless throughout those years.
In Ubawareru and in here, both have cheated that's the bottomline. Both have betrayed the trust that were given to them, regardless how innocent or cunning the person they cheated on.

No it does not soud bullshit but selfish and pathetic and you are an asshole for it.because you wamt everything sex and love without considering ypu are hurting the other one.thats shit.i have read raws PENNYINHEAVEN and he said lets do it for the last time after beikg caught thats how he mock arata sadness.and of what you are saying that he wamted to have sex for a one last time does it make it good pemny in heaven ? I am not in to understanding in to right or wrong here even the rapist rape there might be a reason even the murderer mirder he is an asshole for that and deserve punishment .it was wrong what nachan did and WRONG AND CRUEL.same goes to arata .but nachan was the one who started it.and i know that for the fact PENNYINHEAVEN because if you have cheated someone even after everything is alright ,when you are sitting alone and will remember that how you have been cheated you will feel sad about it.trust is the major issue when it comes to cheating .cheating make a greter impact in relationship.than you might think.

That's you and you can't move on. Not everyone is like you. Two things: either the person who cheated on you never made you feel re-assured that he has repented for his deed and won't do it again OR you never gave a chance to that person to prove himself. It's a two way relationship. It's a partnership. It's an effort on both parties. If you can't move on and is still broken no matter what the other person has done to atone and re-assure, then that's your fault already. It's not who did it first anymore.
In their case, Arata beat him up BADLY. THAT WAS HIS PUNISHMENT. Regardless who started to hurt whom first, BOTH have already inflicted pain on each other, emotionally and mentally. I am quoting @manganiME here "It wasn't one hit. It wasn't a slap. He had whole body damage, he had bleeding." That punishment is grave enough for Arata to let go of any ill feelings after, if he still does after what he did to Nacchan, and Nacchan never did it again, who's more cruel now? Who's committing a sin by cultivating that anger around?
I have read the raws! Didn't I say that?! And it's not mockery. It's a ritual. A ritual people go through when letting go of things. Letting go of things they enjoyed. It's a process one has to go through to wrap their head in the situation. It's NOT for the purpose of feeling good but a sense of closure, even if he didn't feel love for that guy. I don't know if you are aware about the concept of closure but it exists and definitely helps people to move on from one situation or condition to another. He had sex with him because that is the only thing he had with the guy, a physical relationship and that is what he was ending. It seems you have a great attachment to sex but like I said, sex can be separated from love. Research about it if you want: romance and sex.
AND NO ONE'S TAKING THAT TITLE FROM NACCHAN. HE IS INDEED AN ASSHOLE. NO ONE'S DENYING IT. But it won't hurt to understand why he did it and why he was pardoned.

Let me ask you a question. If Arata after being cheated on decided to stablish an open relationship where he could also fuck whoever he wanted, what would Nachan's reaction be? I agree, there's selfishness in love, but it goes both ways. If you wanna be selfish your partner can do the same. But here, I don't think Nachan ever had that thought in mind. If he wanted excitement he could have asked for it. Yes sure maybe Arata would have been angry but he wouldn't have beaten him because the trust wasn't broken. The point is, he broke the balance, he was selfish and stupid and there wasn't any reason for it. And not once, multiple times, and even if he cried he kept on asking for it. He destroyed what they have hurting himself and his partner in the process. How is that acceptable? Even if sex and love are two separate entities (I agree on that) when you have a relationship the only rightful way to explore sexuality outside of that relationship should be if the other person agrees. That's commitment. That's trust. That could give you the excitement you need without hurting anyone. Nachan never did that. He stabbed Arata on the back because he wanted to fuck other guy (okay, I get it, we all have desires) but the thought of telling the truth never crossed his mind because he knew Arata wouldn't like it (when he gets caught we can see the panic in his face). How's that ok? Is he the only one entitled to be selfish? If I want to have sex with others but my partner don't like it either I don't do it or I break up. Being honest in a relationship is what keeps it going, because with honesty you are entitled to be selfish.

My point exactly! Natsuki never even had the courage to talk about his interest in other men. Arata was under the impression that they were in a monogamous relationship. If one person in the relationship thinks that they got into it too early and they want to be with other people, their partner is entitled to know that. Even if the 1st cheating was because he got carried away, what about the times after that? He never owned up to his mistake after the 1st time or the many times after it. It was only after he was caught red handed.

You cant see that nachan is in a wrong even why he did that he is still in the wrong .i wont talk any further because i think you seems to edcuse nachan behaviour necaise he did it because he want to enjoy himself .so our talk wont be going anywhere when you are in relationship.you dont cheat there is no reason to cheat its WRONG no matter what the circumstances are even if we get bored or whatever .thats the only simple thingbi will say now have a nice day and bie

Sorry but i know the situation but i dont feel any sympathy for nachan nor do i try to dustify no matter wht is the reason

Why does it seem as if I am not recognizing Nacchan was in the wrong? I do. I really do. He was selfish and continued until he got caught. He was not mature enough to stop himself and had waited to be caught to stop. He was too confident in his relationship with Arata and taken it for granted. But why? Because they have been together for so long without any bumps along the way. Nacchan thinks this way because he never had to feel threatened about their relationship. He forever felt secured, which was wrong for him to do. He learned it the hard way.
Commitment and trust, yes. That is what a relationship is about. But you build that through time and experiences to make it stronger. That is what people learn from their past relationships. Honing it and perfecting it until the right person comes and practice what they have learned the best way they can. These two didn't have that. And apparently, time for this couple isn't enough. They still lacked experiences. Nacchan could have done something else, he could've been honest but we learned he is still immature. Not being honest and being complacent about their relationship got him to hurt not just himself but Arata, too. Exactly why he ran off and went back to Arata, and even when he was beaten up to a pulp he stayed because he finally understood what he has done, what his mistakes were and how much pain he has caused to the person he loved. He learned to appreciate their relationship more.
The story is about love and forgiveness and the many layers underneath them. And yet we keep on going back to cheating. I believe Sensei wrote the story not with the intention of promoting cheating or make it the point of the story. It's how one got back from being lost and finding open arms to accept him back. Arata didn't need to accept him back nor did Arata needed to re-assure Natsuki from his guilt in the last chapter but he did because that was the point of the story, forgiveness.

Thank you. It's just that nothing good will happen if we stay on "what he could've done". He cheated and it's done. If it happened in irl, we can't change the past, we can't go back in time. So what's more important is what happens after. Most of them think I am simply justifying cheating but I am not, cheating is wrong, it won't change but there's context behind it for every individual and it's simply breaking down what happened but by no means I am saying it's okay to cheat.

I have to add something because what I understand is Arata beating Nacchan gets a pass because he was angry. He wouldn't have hurt Nacchan if he wasn't betrayed. Yes, it is partly true. The surge of anger causes people to be violent, he would've punched Nacchan several times BUT the scene was implying that it happened FOR SEVERAL HOURS until there was nothing left in Nacchan. The surge of anger has subsided yet he kept going until he was satisfied. The violence turned from reprimanding to self-serving. And Nacchan accepted it all and still stayed in the relationship after people have seen how badly beaten he was. From the moment Arata did not stop beating him, he could've decided to leave. Why? He doesn't have the right to. Wait, what is the assurance that Arata won't beat him up to a pulp the next time he commits a mistake? Not necessarily cheating, it could be something as mundane as breaking a glass or talking to a friend. That's the mental scar violence does to people as much as Arata may never trust Nacchan again. So by breaking that trust, does that mean Nacchan can't have friends anymore? Be sociable anymore? It's going to be Arata's fault this time because he has already served his justice for being betrayed and yet he still wants more? After beating the life out of Nacchan? And him just accepting it all without defending himself? No matter how the trust is broken, not being able to move on and see that the justice have been served is wrong, too. Not seeing that the person has repented and has changed is wrong, too. Harbouring anger is wrong, too. If you are going to tell me, once a cheater is forever a cheater, I'd say that's a fallacy. It happens most of the time, but definitely not always.
We keep on going back to "Nacchan could have done this" but the deed has been done, we can't turn back time. I've mentioned somewhere that Nacchan not owning up to his mistake the first time was like him tasting an addicting substance and continues to consume it without realizing ahead the implications. Being overly confident that he can handle the situation. He doesn't admit because he knows it's wrong. But he never owned up to his selfishness? No. He did after he got caught. Not everyone can be as empathic and considerate as you and the others. It's a flaw in one's personality but what the story is telling is what happens after doing the deed. Do you take pride for the mistake you've done? Do you defend yourself long after being caught? It's realizing your mistakes and correcting it. That is what the last chapter is about.

I vote against domestic violence every time it's on the ballot.
I know it's a comic, but sensei is too good at what she does. I was really heart-broken for Arata (and grossed-out by Nacchan) until we saw how he dealt with it--being a victim of infidelity doesn't mean you have a free pass at beating and raping your partner. ( ̄へ ̄)

We all know what is coming next but I love the pacing of this manga. The seme is slowly falling in love with the Uke--a little more in every chapter. The heartbroken Uke is trying to get over his broken heart. Looking at it realistically I can understand the Uke's response of calling it a mistake. I would do the same in his position. This is just a very precious manga. Can't wait for the next chapters.

I'm glad to see that it's not only me thats disappointed with this ending. All things regarding our couple ended nice enough. They were cute and all that jazz. But the unsatisfying part of this was how the guy who orchestrated the whole gang rape and the twin who basically killed his brother by using, tricking, and spreading rumors about him don't really face any consequences. I REALLY wanted to see them suffer. Now all I hope for is for those extras that we are promised in December will address that.

I got this link from Harada-sensei's tumblr. It seems volume 3 will be out on April 27th. We still get to see more of Yatamomo. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
EDIT: Unfortunately it seems the manga is completed. All the chapters that was put up as Volume 2 on this site actually got released as 2 separate volumes, giving us 3 volumes in total. Sorry for the false hopes guys #-.-)
The author must have spent some time in Tibetian area and did tons of research on the place, history and culture. I LOVE the mangaka's attention to the backgrounds. This story is presented so well I can empathize with Dawa. Reading this, I feel his longing for his dad. I want the dad to come back for him. Can't believe I am saying this as a fujoshi but, at this point, I don't even care if this doesn't go the BL route. I just want to see the journey of Dawa's life and see him be happy.
P.S.: How blind are the people here? I can't believe the rating is less than 9ヽ(`Д´)ノ