I think it's a very cute story overall, muscled seme wants to go back to the first love of his life...to find out it's actually a guy! Uke is very sweet and handsome too, a big guy who struggles to accept his identity, but with the help (and love) of his childhood friend, he will perhaps overcome his fears.
Very sweet, liked it~

Very explicit self harm and non consensual sex so watch out for that. I love Harada's art so like everything she makes is like W O A H to me and this did not disappoint. Short revenge porn story, enjoyed it, the seme is a complete ass and the uke totally falls for it but hey at least he gets his revenge. It's nice~
The dialogues are just over the top, hilarious, so freakig ridiculous lmao. The art is very good so man, if you want some sexy scene withour plot and you like cross dressing, this is for you. I don't understand how Penio developed boobs while dressing as a girl...? Like, he has air inflates trasplants under the skin or what? But good read, it's ok