I lack words to express how disgusting this makes me feel. Feminization of characters who clearly identify as male is just not okay. Call me a party pooper or whatever, but I find this insulting. Please treat men as men. Regardless of whether they have an uterus and can bear a child or not. Same-sex couples have children IRL all the time just fine ......
I stayed followed to that question cause it was funny watching heterosexuals getting worked up in the comments but a lot of the top/latest replies really are complete bullshit and a lot of you made yourselves look ridiculous. You first have straight cucks whining “w-www-well, if we can f-fff-fetishize MLM, t-tt-then they can f-fff-f-fetishize us......

I mean yeah definitely. 90% of this site is teen girls. And BL is really fucking heteronormative and unrealistic so it’s definitely not teaching them anything good.
Right bruh how you gonna say what counts as fetishization and what doesn’t, when your literally not the one who’s being fetishized. Make it make sense.
It's not even unique to just KS. The hypocrisy of excusing things in mlm content that would otherwise be called out for what it is in wlw and straight content extends to literally all mlm content. It's fucking gross.
I know you said you don't do that shit, but if, as an mlm person, you hypothetically called me either of those or even just asked me if I was top/bottom irl I would be more than happy to beat the living shit out of you until you were within an inch of your life, and even that would not come close to being cathartic enough for me to not still be abs......

Omegaverse makes no fucking sense and it never will. Y’all are expecting way too much out of this troupe
Omegaverse is just for people who have a kink for forced sex. It's no point in making theories, there are probably only 5 or 3 books out there that are omegaverse but without hentai. I can't really say much, I enjoy omegaverse but that's only if I am in the mood. As I said, there's no point in imagining or making theories about omegaverse :/
why do you care more about the definitions of fujoshi and yaoi than the actual issues mlm face?
Leave it to the fucking fujos to make a whole ass essay to try and say gay people are wrong and don't know any better about what negatively affects them. Fucking disgusting. If you're not gay you don't get an opinion on gay discourse. Sit your ass down.
Thoughts on calling Male omega's who give birth, Mom?