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PickAStick October 15, 2024 9:51 pm

What if Donovan can also read minds? Like those scars on his head might be from an experiment to make him a telepath or something like that. But it could also be the experiment failed, makign him lack emotions/empathy, and now he wants to create supersoldiers with such powers, and Anya is an experiment who escaped?

    i love feminine boys October 16, 2024 9:39 am


    Sheryl October 16, 2024 10:37 am

    He is definitely not normal but I doubt it's reading minds, otherwise Loid would've lost his Cover immediately when he met him.
    Nobody was thinking here, it's something else, but I have no idea what tbh

PickAStick September 17, 2024 8:44 pm

So, I really enjoy these sidestories, Martha's was really good, but, c'mon, can we get back to the main story? At this rate I'll forget Anya's love for peanuts

PickAStick's questions ( All 1 )

PickAStick December 30, 2019 8:54 am

So, I read a manga yeaaaaars ago, and just remembered it, but sadly not the name. It was about a teenage (?) girl, who lived in, some AMerican city, I guess? Def not Japan. She went to high school or college, but was secretly a sniper. She also had like, fantastic eyesight or smth, which was why she was good at sniping I guess, but wore glasses to "hide her identity".
Does anyone know the title of this work?

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