I just want to point out that people can be in a relationship with multiple people and still have it not be "cheating." Cross-dresser boyfriend and Tora knew that their partner had other partners other than themselves, and still consented to being in a relationship. That's not cheating. In this particular story, yes, there's cheating involved because Kento Jr clearly doesn't wants his partner to himself, even though he himself is a cheater.
Anyways, my point is, you can't equate multiple partners = cheating if a) the relationship is open and b) partners are aware of and have consented to their partner having other partners.
Just my two cents, since it's frustrating seeing people bash the MC according to their own moral principles. Not everyone values monogamy in a relationship. The world is vast and -surprise, surprise- people have different values and perspectives on life.
Anyways, my point is, you can't equate multiple partners = cheating if a) the relationship is open and b) partners are aware of and have consented to their partner having other partners.
Just my two cents, since it's frustrating seeing people bash the MC according to their own moral principles. Not everyone values monogamy in a relationship. The world is vast and -surprise, surprise- people have different values and perspectives on life.
2020-11-19 22:58 marked
Sorry, But It's Not Cheating if the Relationship is Open