I live in strictly religious and homophobic environment, so I keep all of these by myself. I cannot even imagine what will my parents say if they find out. Although, most of friends are open-minded, but I'm still afraid that they will see me like a sin or weirdo. But, one day THREE of my friends found out, and I thought I was about to die. Two of t......
no fucking way I think if my dad knew he'll hit me and be sooo disappointed in me umm... and my mom will never let me use the internet and will never let me out and make me study and read books about how the homo thing is bad since my region is so strict about it even supporting the LGBT is soooo bad and whatever my sister once saw me reading ya......
Lesbian here. Most women have trouble orgasming in the first place. Only stimulating by inserting a finger is a recipe for failure. The most common way a woman can masturbate is by stimulating the 'clit' (clitoris). This is usually described as a nub or hood. The location is higher up than your vagina. How you stimulate yourself with your clit ......
It’s hot in fiction... but fucking gross in real life. Please don’t.
"Why do you look so angry/depressed all the time?" I really fucking hate it when someone asks me this. It's my fucking face, I can't do anything about having a resting bitch face for fuck's sake. "You should really go out more instead of playing video games at home by yourself" Oh, fuck you. It's my life and I enjoy spending it inside much more ......
I like sleeping while hugging, I hugged Mr. Bear a lot and even talk out my problems with him sometimes haha (⌒▽⌒)
Short answer, yes. If the hymen is intact (it can sometimes tear due to accident or playing sports), forcing your fingers inside can result is a minor bleeding. Sometimes it takes multiple penetration for the hymen to be affected. It's normal and totally expected. Hymen should not be associated with virginity :)
idk! there is no such thing as virginity cause it is a man made word and able to create stigmatism but if there is blood probably the hymen is broke which everyone said that is virginity but it is not true. Hymen can be broke just by riding a bicycle. Hymen is a thin piece tissue sorrounding the opening of vagina.
I guess it isn't abnormal, but if it bleeds, you might be a little bit too rough on your body. The hymen is pretty elastic so you need to take time to prep it well by adding one finger at the time. A hymen stretched well enough won't bleed. (The myth that it will bleed for every girl while loosing virginity comes from the fact that a lot of peopl......
I might, but if I do it'll surely be my own decision and not because people are telling me to "stop reading pointless things". If I stop reading it'll be because I miraculously have lost interest, or have found another interest that overwhelms this one. Don't listen to what other people tell you to do. Life is short, too short to care about what ot......
Did your parents know that you like yaoi?