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Above suspicion November 12, 2020 6:27 am

ngl when i read i think about looks like should be on wikiHow
-how to have threesome in the library -

Above suspicion June 20, 2020 3:06 pm

This is sofa the first song

Above suspicion's questions ( All 1 )

Above suspicion November 11, 2018 3:18 pm

Today people say to follow your dreams but like I want a security instead of an art degree .

    Anonion November 11, 2018 3:50 pm

    If you're lucky you can do both. Some artists actually earn a lot. If not you can get married to a rich person and have no money worries but relationship worries (maybe) You can work in a nice paying job and save money for years. When you're ready, quit your job and follow your dreams. Or you can try following your dreams from the start. You may success or you may fail but you can learn a lot from sleeping out and getting to know unfortunate people.
    There are a lot of options but don't force yourself to do something you don't want. Happiness can be found everywhere, if you aren't happy with something you can be happy with another thing. If you're happy by being secure you can also go for that. You can try looking into jobs that pay well and include art. Try to stay positive and good luck :)

    GoldenScale November 11, 2018 4:10 pm

    There's also the option of starting with a normal job and doing art in your free time. If it fails, you have a job. If it works, you can gradually switch to making art works as you full time job.

    Anonymous November 11, 2018 4:30 pm

    art degree = living on the streets

    From an Artist November 11, 2018 4:33 pm

    It is a difficult field to get into and pretty much about luck as well as skills.
    Plus it depends on which art field you want to head into.
    And can lack stability unless you are one of those lucky artist

    If you do want to pursue art as a career it's advised to have a temp job/part time as a sort of step up or survival job while you try and break into the field
    even have a fall back job planned since at least if you can't make it you have other source of income.
    Make sure to stay active in social media helps as well if you are an artist.

    Even if you don't do it as a career you can do what many artist do and do art as a side job. Earning a little extra on the side. Plus if you wish you can always head into in further on in life
    Getting a degree in art isn't all that necessary depending on your field. It's more about folio work and sketches they tend to judge by
    Taking a course from experience didn't do much other then creating a kind of super small network system and getting critiques.

    Honestly though trying to work the art market has some pretty annoying cons and gets stressful but sometimes the pros can balance it out

    Ultimately it is all up to you, don't do anything you'd regret or ain't comfortable with.

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5 Question for fujoshis from a gay guy 07-05 18:29
Am i too young for yaoi? 12-02 03:29
Photo from Album 04-03 02:15
Photo from Album 04-03 02:15

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