Everyone’s saying they don’t like Daniel that much because he seems like the classical “bad boy” troupe... but is it just me or Dan has never been portrayed as one??
Now, I have terrible memory and have been following this series for a while so I might be wrong, but I remember that even before his appearance the first thing we were told about him was how kind the guy is... Also, unless I misinterpreted the last chapters, at first he had bad intentions towards our FL only ‘cause he thought his friend (the blonde guy ig) would die because of her. So yeah, I don’t really understand all this fuss about this “bad boy” thing.
Also, I saw some complaints about how the story is going, which makes me kinda sad cause I really like this one... I’m begging you all to remember that this is not really a complex story, or at least the FL’s goal is not that deep, she just wants her favorite characters to not meet death, and not get herself killed as well in the meanwhile lol, and that’s exactly what she’s doing.
Anyway, I do like Daniel, both his character and looks (we need more brown haired MLs), but I might experience second lead syndrome for the first time ever because of Eugene TT my boy, I hope he can be happy

I “read” until chap 95 so if you’re just TOO curious (like I am) I can tell ya something
——— SPOILERS ———
Okay so, first of all I don’t speak Korean, all that I’m saying I’m just guessing from the art and some occasional google translate. Oh and English is not my native language so please forgive any stupid mistake <3
After 5/6 chapters Jin and Suu seem to go back to normal, I mean Suu seems once again relaxed around him, the guy sure is a piece of steel cause he doesn’t seem really bothered by what happened. Saharah (in his adult form) and Jin have a talk, I don’t know about what (too much to translate I’m sorry) but it doesn’t end in any harm, they’re still not killing each other.
I’m sorry for any dragon fans out there but Jin and Suu are still getting way more content than Saharah and Suu, like, way more content. I didn’t translate everything but the first two keep on being all lovey-dovey and it almost looks like Jin is becoming a better person? Way more caring and not violent? I was thinking that they were very cute until Suu gets called by the noble consorte (I forgot her name sorry again) and??? It looks?? Like he tries to poison Jin? But it doesn’t happen? I dunno guys that part was really confusing, and I’m 99% sure that they had sex after that.
99,9% sure.
It’s the second time they try, but the first time (around chap 73??) Suu passes out so yeah, or at least that’s what I understood. Anyway, this time I’m pretty sure they did it.
Going on, a little bit of adult Saharan and Suu content but nothing much. Oh and Nadan seems to live!! Maybe he’s not doing great but he’s alive! For now.
A different character was introduced around chap 70 but then we never saw him again.
They gave us a little peak of Suu’s past, but it’s just him on his journey to the nation where he’s together with other older people, nothing much.
I think this is everything I got to say, remember that it could not be perfectly accurate!! We just have to patiently wait for the translation ^_^ thanks to the author for creating this masterpiece and the uploader for letting everyone read it (still, remember to support the author of you’re able to!)
Idk maybe spoiler if your not up to chapter ~36?
Everyone is talking about how the mother hasn’t suffered enough to make up for her past actions and they dislike her… idk about that.
In her past life she was blinded by the whole falling into poverty thing, not surprising considering she was born a noble and probably always got anything she wanted thanks to her looks and status. Then, how she got in the royal palace in her past life is not clear, but my guess is that the noble’s faction used her and married her to the emperor, since she was easy to manipulate due to her situation. In all this mess, she never realized the worth of the bond with her daughter until it was too late and the nobles or someone else disposed of them both. I mean she got burned at the stake… I feel like she DID suffer because of her wrongdoings.
I saw someone say that now she’s acting all better only because she has become wealthy once again, but I don’t think that’s the case. Seems to me like everything she’s doing now is for the sake of her daughter: the reason she is still trying to make money is because once the contract is over the plan is to retire with her and live comfortably, so that the daughter never has to work again and they can be happy. She realizes that the daughter could be happy with much less than that but she still wants the best for her. It’s pretty clear how now she’s her only priority.
Some people didn’t like the thing about stealing her money for a dress, but it makes sense to me, I mean what should she have done? She KNEW the emperor would have accepted her proposal and that her daughter couldn’t understand, should they have just kept living in the slums lmao? She even got her silver coin back cmon y’all are reaching.
I’m absolutely not saying that she’s forgiven for all her actions and everything, but I honestly like her character and appreciate this refreshing take on isekai. I think this is the first controversial character I really like.