MC is not hiding his summoning power well, man is literally summoning guns out of his secret world in front of people. I guess they die so quick that he doesn’t need to hide it but still.

MC is ruthless, killing anyone who even looks at him wrong, poisoning the food.

The uncles wife is a problem, and now that she’s been let in the house she won’t ever want to leave. Also I hope MC doesn’t get stuck with her baby.

ObsidianGoddess created a topic of 2020

I’m a woman, and I want both of them. I don’t care, sandwich me between these thicc men please.

Better yet let me be the damn popsicle

Did the story switch in the middle or is the MC wearing a wig, how did he go from a grey buzz cut to long brown hair. Is this the same story I’m so confused.

ObsidianGoddess created a topic of Lion Coeur Senki

I don’t really like it, MC being a rapist (historically accurate I get it, but him enjoying it so much is just scuffed) his morals are so up in the air. Like he’s totally fine with raping and selling women, but his brother not considering slaves his family is where he’s like “oh yeah it’s this kind of place”.

Also what happened to the talks about making the world a better place, that shit went out the damn window. He literally sexually assaulted a girl and blamed it on hormones. Like you are an OLD ASS MAN in a kids body, you know it ain’t no damn hormones causing you to be a sexual predator. Him living in a civilized era before literally doesn’t matter because it adds nothing to his character.

Plus the plot of the story is gone, like I understand it’s war, but I don’t even really know what they are fighting for? Also now his brother is dead, which was the most decentish character, cause the MC is just not a good person at all. Also I’m so confused about their religion, because didn’t the MC and the priest talk about being faithful to one woman and not giving into lust. While the MC is literally raping women who are spoils of war? Maybe because they are slaves they aren’t considered real women, I don’t know.

A lot just doesn’t make sense, the MC’s character is so all over the place I just can’t like it. And it’s not about the rape or murder because I get that it’s a period piece and that’s what accurately would happen. The story itself is just a mess for me, not a bad read just had me going “huh????” A bunch of times.

This shit made absolutely no sense, and now he wants his body back. It’s literally been like a week, you snatched someone else’s body, then called the body plain and ugly, and now you want your body back because someone else is living a happy life in it.

That dude can fuck all the way off.

She never falls in love, her characters die too quick so she can’t enjoy the worlds, and now she’s caught up with another guy having the same missions as her who we all know is now the ML.

The point of liking these multiple transmigration stories (at least for me) is being able to experience so many different relationships, that’s thrown out the window because every guy in the scenario is just the male lead trying to complete his mission. It throws out the mystery.

Also the stories have become convoluted, like I don’t even know who the “evil” female lead is half the time because majority of the women in this thing are pretty evil.

Man FUCK EVERYBODY, TEAM HITOMI TILL I DIE. I’m tired of 2nd make leads being better than the main leads and also having sad lives. SWITCH IT UP, GIVE HITOMI THE HAPPINESS HE DESERVES. He is the main character I don’t care.

ObsidianGoddess created a topic of Boxed Garden

Are we supposed to be okay with Takuto becoming a TREE. Like his heart got turned into a seed, his body is now a tree, and now people are gonna eat the “royal fruit” which is essentially cannibalism.

Also why hasn’t MC focused on curing the eyes of the cursed boy, man is literally going blind as we speak. I don’t know but her priorities are off, all she is doing is making potions to get points when there are actual problems happening around her.

It turned into a different story Chapter 130 and on, like it’s not even the same manhwa. Really disappointing.

One: this was so cute and loving

Two: I was almost conditions to think shiguraki x DEKU is cute with all those fanarts

I’m like 7 chapters in and that’s enough for me, the whole “I hate him and I’ll never forgive him” to “I care about him” is giving me whiplash. Like it’s so stressful, he literally abandoned her and she can’t even put her foot down, I would stab that man before I even let him touch me.

ObsidianGoddess created a topic of Kaiju No. 8

I need Kafka to level up, his monster has GOT to be stronger than #9. Like it’s gotta be secretly a god level species of the alien race or something.

Also I’m worried that Captain has been infected by #9 from being in his stomach for so long.

ObsidianGoddess created a topic of Fake Cinderella

I don’t feel weird about this one just because in the time period it is set in, this is pretty normal.

Just prepare yourself if the author is trying to be accurate, it might go sexual when she is around 15-18 since that’s when girls become women back then.

ObsidianGoddess created a topic of Japan Summons

They can’t even learn anything from each other because they are constantly at war, I would honestly bomb the shit out of most of these countries. Especially the one where that bitch killed 200 Japanese people for no reason.

This might be picky but wasn’t this a cooking story, the story doesn’t focus on food at all anymore. What’s the point of her being a reborn chef if she hardly uses her skills, like yes she does cook at the academy but it’s literally a side quest to the main story.

Like now we have attempted murder, assassinations, crazy ass women, where did the wholesome family bonding story go

This needs more I love when isekais are different and not the standard hero/saintess BS

But it’s been two years I don’t think we seeing the Sun with this one


Imagine you future husband has sex with countless boys…and only married you out of necessity. And on top of that, sometimes the lovers stay in the palace so you constantly have to be around them. Like one of the sex slaves is literally the advisor to the king.

And I know the women get girls, but they look more like playmates and friends while the men get sex slaves. I would not want to marry into that no thank you.

He literally should’ve stayed in the other world, him coming home killed his parents and I’m pretty sure he caused the dungeons to spawn in his world.

Everything would have been fine if he just stayed in the other world.