I don't regret reading it all omg it felt like I'm seeing myself thru her. It was one hell of a ride tbh with the ml dealing with his inferiority complex so much angst was going on but it was totally worth it! I even cried at one point like seriously I cried like crazy when the princess died. They love each other so so much and they're equally possessive and obsessed with each other.
Oh! Let me spoil you a bit... She actually showed him her little "treasures" lmao you know her fangirl collectibles, the handkerchief that he gave her, that was her 1st treasure then she showed his pictures and stuff toys that resembles him lol. As you know she likes collecting pictures of him and doing a scrapbook thing, the ml is actually really curious as to why she does that lol but he just lets her cause she seems genuinely happy doing it. One time as he was watching the princess put stickers on top of his photo, he couldn't take his curiosity anymore so he asked the princess why she does that. I guess the princess was taken aback I mean imagine your bias asking you that lmao so she sounded defensive and said that she's just taking pictures... He didn't pressed any further by the tone the princess answered and he didn't want to be hated by his useless curiosity.
Anyway they're so clingy and really crazy cray for each other. Really so many possessive scenes I love them so much.
Kylo is so freaking cute