Nulliitas: The Half-Blood Royalty
You know how a lot of people complain about how so many stories have the art, but not the story? Nulliitas is the opposite of that. Nulliitas has some pretty... low quality art, being honest, though it's less art errors and more of a less refined style. However, I think this adds to the charm. The artist is great at drawing dramatic expressions and scenes, though some of their skills make me think they're in... another section of the manhwa industry. The story is nothing groundbreaking, but it's definitely one that captured my heart, and got me invested in Nulliitas' story. While her family is almost comically cruel, she manages to overcome it and still be a good person. I enjoy seeing her and the duke together, as well as how the story plays out. It's incredibly satisfying to see them all get their comeuppance as Nulliitas' life gets better and better.
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