So I don't know if I will add spoilers but just in case!
Anyway, people in the comments are saying allot about how the MC should be with T not M (gonna try not use their names to avoid spoilers, but readers get it), but I actually think it makes perfect sense to why he isn't.
He's consistently associated that being with someone who is dominant and in charge as the care giver and lover to his needs. He clearly has some PTSD or trauma, that we do see happen within earlier relationships such as with his father / Grandmother and even M and the ex before M.
We see MC constantly trying to win someone's approval, which makes his anxiety worse, but what I find interesting is how M caters to it, he is abusive yes, in many ways, and a narcissist. But what we do see, is he is the only one to calm MC down, "clearing your mind and all that", it's toxic on both sides, both clearly have unresolved trauma , that they really do need to communicate and get out, but it makes SENSE that MC ends up with M (if he does I don't actually know) 7 years of pattern, routine, someone doing everything for you, controlling you into submission is harder to move on from than people think, you think about this person day and night (as we see in the first iteration when MC is with T) , is explains so many mental health scenarios and how as people, we want to be adored, seen and heard. As the latest chapter shows, MC is associating being lonely with being happy; as when he is lonely and sad, M comes around and gives him the slight bit of affection he THINKS he needs and deserves. Like when his first BF said "I like you" there's a sparkle in his eyes, he is consistently wanting words of affirmation as his love language as he didn't get any from his family; and then M wanting to say , move in, be my bf, for a long TIME, it resonates with MC , he feels loved and adored. I don't want them to end together, but I don't think he should end with T either, as T has his own mental health to sort out, he's young, and MC has allot of baggage, that we saw T not handle as well as I'd of liked. (No matter how much you think someone is cheating forcing them to undress is never the answer) . I think it's excellently done, I think it shows what real toxic relationships are like, will it have a happy ending? Who knows? But not all of these books need to be light and happy. And wow I'm so sorry I rambled thank U for the ted talk hehe (⊙…⊙ )

I agree with the point about how forcing someone to undress is never the answer but I wanted to counter that by how cheating is never the answer too, but yeah I get that he's unstable(so was Taehwan at the thought of WJ cheating and lying. Most people would get agitated in such a situation tbh. Good that Taehwan still had the mind to feel remorse about that action of his). But I'm glad they broke up too. Taehwan ended up getting himself his own trauma from which he needs support to heal( plus I think this is the 2nd relationship in which he got cheated on?). He isn't good at handling WJ and there's nothing wrong with that n not his fault. They should go separate ways and heal, but no matter how you look at it, in the long run, if WJ does stay with M, he's going to soon spiral. The water is upto the neck now, after 7 years and it's only temporary relief atp, especially now, since WJ has gotten a taste of non toxic n unconditional love from Taehwan. That's why he feels even emptier. So he needs a professional I think. And he needs to get away from M.
Also, I'm almost sure it's not going to be M at the end.

Hi! Oh my gosh yes I agree cheating is horrible! My point was like you said, when you have been broken by someone before, you're trust issues go a million miles a minute, which is displayed by Woojon and T tbh, Woojon with Mineo , and T with Woojon. Whilst I hope T and W end up together , as I believe that they are the best couple in modern psychological BL, I wouldn't say it'd be correct, you're right, hes almost drowning, but that's what it is like being with a narcissist, being with an abuser, but for some reason, with all the hate you harbour for them, you crave them, as that's what you've ever known. I also don't think should take Woojon back, he cheated, lied and was overly protective (which I get but still T was innocent) Woojon NEEDS to be on his own, has he ever been single as an adult? Yeah j saw a spoiler that said otherwise, but thank you for replying! Hope you get my pov

Oh you're so sweet. Hi ! I get your pov and even better with that reply. Exactly as you said, it shouldn't be implied as if it's compulsory for T to take back WJ. It's like, people in the comments (not all) have concluded that it's only WJ's choice between T and M. I know he's the mc but that's absurd coz how can they invalidate T's choice? He can very well choose for himself to get away from WJ for good. See, I've read horrible cheating stories like boundary and love bite etc etc and all of those contain remorseless, self victimizing bottoms who are easily forgiven by the author and the readers to my absolute shock. In comparison to those, WJ literally really feels the remorse. It's not even like his feelings for T are wavering coz of Minho. Even though I feel like throwing up everytime I see him sleeping with M. Other than that, he really does only love T atp. M is more like his shackle that he can't break coz he's just weak. So, I'm more hopeful for him when compared to those stories, I feel sorry for him too ( more for T sry, lol). That's why even tho I want him to repent and spend time away from T, eventually I'm not against them being together ( if T wants it too and if we're sure he won't hurt T again). Just stop showing me the sex scenes between W and T haha.

So I'm a little annoyed, not only was the art in the first season, in my opinion, not cleaner, but better. It was more sharp, more expressive, more intimidating when it came to it. Kinda like AOT, I loved the harsh lines.
Second, I feel as if there is now this sudden force of relationship between Goblin girl (forgot her name lol) and Jinsung. The first season was her making one off comments as a joke, and him being absolutely oblivious as learning about his abilities and how to control them were his main focus. I feel now he suddenly likes her, and will defend her like a husband and all this lovey dovey art as well. The story has fallen flat, I will continue you reading as I do have faith, but I am a bit disappointed, glad to see others are on the same page lol xx

Glad to see everyone agreeing that, they really loved the proper story (I did) , but the side stories, it's very non consesual, and that's really annoying to see. I felt like the story had a good pace where it would happen naturally, but I feel like it always happens. Glad everyone agrees that these side stories were a bit disappointing due to the criminal behaviour

This Is getting boring, and a bit redundant. No communication, barely any interesting scenes anymore, and I'm probably going to wait until waayyyy more have been updated.
Someone please like this or remind me in a couple of months, I'm feeling so lackluster reading this, anyone have any good bls ???
In my opinion I think this is how it SHOULD end, both past relationships were in their own way toxic, he needs to be alone, love himself, find a hobby, make himself happy. And then maybe find someone! I hope they don't bring someone back, I like the way things are going, realism for the win