Could someone remind me what the short story Koyaku-chan is referring to is about ? Thank you very much :)

the salamander felt sad, he had tried to leave the cave that was his home but his head stuck in the entrance and prevented him from doing so. That's the only thing from the manga, but basically the teacher asked her why the salamander imprisoned the frog that wandered into the cave and she replied 'ah the colder it gets, the lonelier i feel.'' She told that to kouyuki at first and she said she doesn't think she's that stubborn, but i think amano was actually saying (because it's only those 2 in the club) that she wouldn't mind being the frog, so they could be together instead of alone. Or so Kouyuki wouldn't have to be alone anymore? (cause it looked like everyone put her on a higher level) or that she wishes she could with her together, (i guess?) and I guess the latest chapter was because Kouyuki kept hiding and Amano hid and then she came out (like the actual salamander at school)
Will there be a fourth volume ?
Woohoo !!!!