Does anyone have a link to the English translation beyond chapter 29?

Here is the English for ch 18-29

does anyone know if they're going to continue making the anime of this manga. They made 6 seasons and a movie, but i was wondering if they will make another season.

Same question. The thing is, we're already lucky to get 6 seasons, but we can't seem to get enough of it
Based on years of waiting, despite the constant change in studios, there seems to be much clamor from the Japanese audience (Natsume Yuujinchou always has merchandise in Japan unlike other anime whose merch comes and goes with the anime hype) so I think we have a chance of getting a 7th season, but it may take a few years...

this is why i like manga way more than webtoons. webtoons are just soooo slow. i generally give up on them because i get so bored, plus the chapters are so short and 9/10 the pages are mostly empty and the pictures are cut in half.

Well, webtoons were meant to be read onlin, and only online while not separated into pages, while Mangas are originally paper with actual pages. I understand your idea on thinking webtoon are slow though, but I don’t think all the webtoons I’ve read are slow. You probably just have different tastes but I’ll respect that.
Does anyone know the name of the novel and where to read it in English?