I feel like I lost brain cells trying to figure out how their relationship was progressing. I don’t like you, but i like you, no wait I don’t want to date you, wait I like you, wait why are you angry at me, I’m going to act like a child, idk what you mean by that, now you’re angry at me, now you like me, now we’re dating… like???? First couple chapters were alright, then it just went down hill.
Smut is alright tho

I think they are both trying to feel each other out. Its like a push and pull type of thing. The ML has a lot of experience and is pretending to have none while the MC is pretending to have a lot of when he doesnt have. And I think the ML is trying to wait for the mc to tealize his own feelings that's why he is being cold in some cases.
So are we gonna just forget the fact that his brother hypnotized him and essentially made him into a sex slave?
Ig they want to hate on jungwhi to somehow justify what the ml did
I’m always gonna support jungwhi poor dude (as of now)