Tf are you guys hating on Leo for??
I can't let people know that I fw this I've been rolling on my floor laughing for the last five minutes
Wait this is the end?? no wait pls noooo I love this so much
What should I say this is half good half bad like 50-50 if you like to read just fluff and no toxicity this is for you but if you don't like too much intimacy scene then this isn't for you
I can feel something is going to happen a sad one at that
I swear I'm becoming an expert at English cause I can understand these just fine
I actually can't tell who's who between the light hair characters
Yeah it's abit confusing but if u look closely u can actually see the difference !! I sometimes look at their expressions to tell whose who
Imma invest in this cause this is so fucking great
I love Charin fucking so much rahhh
Tf are you guys hating on Leo for??