i usually like my mcs to have a bit more backbone to them, i don't like it when they're too "eep"-y and doormats, i hate misunderstandings, or grown adults not acting like it. this delivered in the most brutal way possible
mc's a prideful kid who got dealt with a hand of the worst cards imaginable in life, with a bunch of obsessive chaebols hounding his heels, his reaction to his traumas was the most normal out of all of them
i didn't cry while reading this, but each hardship mc faced felt like a punch to the gut
for those interested in reading: he Goes through it. this is a whump session, you will feel frustrated and drop it with all the misunderstandings going on, but it's such a thoughtful story of healing and picking up broken pieces of yourself
bit of a spoiler warning:
i wouldn't call this a great story overall, but it's one with heart and more substance that your usual same genre fodder you read
you can really tell the author did their research on mental health, and i appreciate that the more sensitive sex scenes (like the grape) didn't veer on the side of fetishizing it