Before you do this, you must first gauge whether the guy likes the girl or at least has a chance. If not, don’t spill tea recklessly, as it will make it harder for them to approach each other or see each other’s true selves if one thinks the other has an ulterior motive. Tread carefully when shipping people. NEVERTHELESS, I also want to see Rei’s love life develop. Kinda expecting them to play outside of SLF.
Loid if you're watching anya. Look what you made her do ahahah world peace. Like father like daughter (≧∀≦) also Damian's reaction and becky girl i feel you.
Before you do this, you must first gauge whether the guy likes the girl or at least has a chance. If not, don’t spill tea recklessly, as it will make it harder for them to approach each other or see each other’s true selves if one thinks the other has an ulterior motive. Tread carefully when shipping people. NEVERTHELESS, I also want to see Rei’s love life develop. Kinda expecting them to play outside of SLF.