purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

something abt a guy with blood on him

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

sehyuk is good looking in an off putting way and hamin is just real pretty

purin add 1 photos to sad

why do bad things keep happening to my guy

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl


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purin add 1 photos to jealous

not koutarou acting like that to make rei appear

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purin add 1 photos to funny

I KNEW IT he probably liked him just didnt know how to show it?

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

does she need a girlfriend...

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

ugh fine this version is adorable too

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

is it wrong to want this ver of him back? i like that unsettling dynamic they had

purin add 1 photos to funny

i have a theory and its that he wants to see his guide every day not bc hes weak

purin add 1 photos to cute
purin add 1 photos to jealous
purin add 1 photos to cute

i know the bar is on the floor for consent but hes a green flag in other ways too