purin add 1 photos to jealous

this mf has a whole ass gf and hes acting like this gtfo

purin add 1 photos to jealous
purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

this story will destroy me psychologically i think

purin created a topic of Sugar Trap

maybe its just me but the miscommunication still going on when theyre having sex is killing me. like i'm happy for them but i wish MC would just tell sihyun he's had the wrong idea all along

purin add 1 photos to jealous

i dont know why he has such an issue with san and yeonan being friends. is it just jealousy?

purin add 1 photos to jealous
purin add 1 photos to jealous

i eat up jealous dalguk each time

purin add 1 photos to pretty ppl

San has me barking like a dog every time i see him this is not fair im going crazy

purin add 1 photos to cute

SO much gets LiT but he didnt tell guk bc he didnt want guk to feel guilty that hes staying for him.

purin add 1 photos to jealous
purin add 1 photos to jealous

in the officials he says "dont say his name like you're close"

purin add 1 photos to sad

dont fight!!

purin add 1 photos to jealous


purin add 1 photos to sad
purin add 1 photos to cute


purin add 1 photos to cute
purin add 1 photos to cool

after keeping it in so long, he didnt want to lead her on by not telling her the truth

purin add 1 photos to jealous

my boy is SUFFERING goddamn

purin add 1 photos to jealous

it cropped out but he says hes in a shitty mood my baby just wants maehwa to be his