seeing people hate on this manga kills me. GUYS please this is NAWT a cute romance manga ofc there’s gonna be bad stuff and yoshino knows he has slept with multiple girls, but she doesn’t care because she doesn’t love him yet. that’s like the whole entire point like are u guys reading with your eyes closed…? they literally talked about this in the beginning chapters…

Literallyyyyy like just stop reading if you don't like it bruh. If it ain't your taste then clearly the story wasn't directed toward you bcs the romance in this manga isn't all cute and bubbly like the general shojo genre. Ppl are so mad at kirishima for sleeping with other girls but like yoshino doesn't even like him like that anyway so it ain't a big deal (not to mention they're not even dating when they wete happening). I like this manga bcs I'm going into it knowing full well it ain't like the normal romance ones and it's a guilty pleasure bcs of the toxicity (which I eat up btw). It's like that bcs it's refreshing from a lot of the romance stories I've read so far. Plus kirishima is obsessed with her in the good way, and I honestly prefer that dynamic bcs we see just how much he cares for her and likes her more with each passing chapter.
no babies is crazy