Well it’s been like a month of Snu Snu with more to come , but the ML said he thinks he’ll be well and healed real soon. He’s ignoring the MCs questions but just wants to keep having Snu Snu . The Snu Snu, the accident , his strange powers and the curse is giving some soul tie stuff and to strengthen the tie you must have intimate contact . Or he needs the MC to love him back ….. sorta like another manwha where in order to break a curse the main couple had to fall in love

I feel like you should read this with the levity and humor the author is trying to portray. Like yall are screaming rape or forced sex and not letting him rest, and I get it. But the MC is not a pushover nor if he truly meant no ( ex. Him coming home exhausted and still choosing to goad the ML into sex) do i believe the ML who do anything beyond that. I think the author is writing the manhwa to be just light, semi plot and mostly sex. I just don’t think it’s written in the same note of certain manhwas that do openly display some very dark concepts from non l con and other situations .
Me watching intently because my prediction from weeks ago is still alive and author nim is just starting to cook. I told yall we would suffer in the pits of eternal snusnu but would be reborn in the plot.... eventually lol