Well it’s been like a month of Snu Snu with more to come , but the ML said he thinks he’ll be well and healed real soon. He’s ignoring the MCs questions but just wants to keep having Snu Snu . The Snu Snu, the accident , his strange powers and the curse is giving some soul tie stuff and to strengthen the tie you must have intimate contact . Or he needs the MC to love him back ….. sorta like another manwha where in order to break a curse the main couple had to fall in love
Nope probably not, just another attention seeking loser who only gets their social needs met online trolling, because everybody fucking hates them in real life. There’s a phrase , “Don’t feed the monkeys” . We pay that person dust and move around . I’d love to know if you have a theory cause the Snu Snu is a lot but I’m keeping the faith lol
Me watching intently because my prediction from weeks ago is still alive and author nim is just starting to cook. I told yall we would suffer in the pits of eternal snusnu but would be reborn in the plot.... eventually lol