Yes, the taller man is a dick, but this webtoon has a more mature feel to it. The characters aren't kids, or adults who involve themselves with plot dragging petty drama. Both characters aren't perfect actually, it's just that we have been able to understand the ill man more. The ill man refusing chemotherapy despite medical advice, and not telling someone, for better or for worse who is his partner and they own property and a business together that he is seriously ill, and thinks he has one year left isn't ideal. But we are seeing why he is behaving like this, he like a lot of people when faced with such a diagnosis can't be open about it, just want to carry on and not rock the boat, and may be fearful of taking up a treatment like chemotherapy which does have side effects, meaning he couldn't hide his illness from others, and might not be successful. We don't know the taller man's backstory, but as 30 year old men, the relationship they have now isn't going to be the same as when they were teens at school. We don't know why he cheated, or stayed away from home without contact, but stress over money and maintaining their lifestyle is something more realistic and ultimately they might have grown apart but still are dependent on each other, and still might love each other as well as hate themselves and each other for how things are currently. The taller man has yet to be explored, but his attitude about being the provider and this leading him to tears was already shown when they were young adults. Someone in the comments said that he might have faced abuse as a child, so maybe he developed an attitude that he wants to be able to financially support his spouse, as maybe one of his parents was selfish with their money? Who knows. Also, is the ill man the only one wearing a ring? The ring he wears does seem linked to his relationship, rather than it just being jewellery he picked for himself, but interesting if the taller man doesn't wear one, is he presenting to his work or whoever he was in bed with that he is single maybe?
Yes, the taller man is a dick, but this webtoon has a more mature feel to i...