He bought flowers and everything to confess KNOWING of him and yeonwoos relationship to an extent then gets SHOCKED that they are intimate in bed??? Did he think yeonwoo was lying??? What?? Bro like the way he keeps hyping his chances up are wild. His delusion needs to be studied. Why do 2nd choices always have to have side hoe mentality?? Why can't he at last think for a moment and realize he should be confessing with the intent of letting go? But nope he's gonna embarass himself cuz bum is already boutta blow his shit. I hope he takes it out on that dumbfuck. But also why tf is yeonwoo letting his insecurities hurt bum? Like you see that he genuinely cares about you and is hurt by u keeping this secret. If he keeps this habit up this will be a reason of a split up. Not some boy best friend. Although I understand the fear he shouldn't let that overcome him to the point his partner is hurt, and or his relationship is in jeopardy. Like yeonwoo was even being aggressive and borderline forceful in the midst of a tantrum because of something he brought on. Bum was wrong to lie but so was he for being silent. Both actions show the lack of trust in the other.
I feel like some people are just so used to black and white and not as much nuance and complex morals in stories. Like people aren't saying that heeseo is excused for saying taekyung is fucked up too? We are just acknowledging that they both have issues and are both horrible to each other. We see this season through the eyes for taekyung for the most part so it's obvious we see things that's easier to see him as a victim. He's a victim in some ways yes but not all ways. Things can have nuance. But it's funny seeing the switch up in the comments
Dude I lit didn't see this big of a twist happening like why? I'm still so confused as to why kidnap him when things were going fine? He was already open to having a past life and most likely would have put the past behind you guys??? Like he got worked up over nothing and is shocked he doesn't want to be with him anymore nor place his trust in him. He lit kidnapped bro and turned mental for nothing .
Like ik this is one of the more goofy aimless plots but I find it so entertaining idk I like harems like this in general cuz it's always dumb and fun. Especially since all the characters seem so fun I don't really mind the mangaka making more fun plots like this. Not every plot gotta be meaningful and deep lol. Although I do notice more of their works are leaning towards this I personally like both of those genres. I really hope this story continues and we don't have to wait for yearly updates like ybc.
why did he do that??? if anything its much harder to go about it in that manner no? like now he has lost his trust, is commiting a crime, and is ruining their relationship all at the same time. He could've just answered his damn questions and his ass probably wouldve came back and tried to have sympathy and get u to see him for his present day self. i dont understand his logic. i wonder with those eerie pics at the end if he actually has mixed feelings for "derek" and maybe thats part of the reason he took this approach? idk. im so tired though of stories taking this overused route like can they at least be crazy in a non rapey kidnapper violent way? maybe theyll make it different but it seems like it gonna be similar to a tree without roots in the dynamic. massive boo
Dude this shit is pissing me off like okay the first plot should've been the driving point. But it took another turn with the "pig" teacher, the sister and endeavors, and now mysterious nice guy? Like this isn't even entertaining. This is just like he's a villian magnet atp and shirayuki is the morally grey "hero" to him atp. Can they actually develop their relationship and get to the obv founding out abt the killings? They stalling too much like why is this turning into yandere simulator??? And nobody is suspicious abt there disappearances? This could've been a GREAT mystery thriller physcological romance direction instead we get a sloppy mess of a plot that feels more like a deranged crappy teen romance drama.. I hope it turns itself around cuz I might have to drop
like mc is weird asl so is ml for sure. mc could've been helped and intervened with ml as a youth and now look. ml is messed up in the head and mc has to deal with the consequences he ignored b4.
i barely remember whats even been going on in this match and it just keeps stacking its getting boring rn. like we can have isagi come to a realisation/grow throughout multiple games at least. one game doesn't always have to be one arc entirely. bruhhhh
I mean I understand wholeheartedly why people are leaving cirrus's life right now. When you start to neglect yourself and have sorts of hatred buried within yourself it never just stays buried. It ends up hurting others one way or another. Trying to move pieces for an outcome you want will never ultimately work because people aren't chess pieces. They have emotions and can be unpredictable. Although cirrus at first had Ill will towards Skylar he started to really desire him and wanted to get him however he could even if it meant at the expense of other people. Everything is starting to catch up to him and since now he feels he's lost Skylar I'm assuming he's letting everything unwind because to him it already has the moment Skylar stepped back. It's sad though because he's being self destructive and it's hard to see him go through that but it's so understandable that people are done with his bs. His mental condition isn't an excuse for what he has done. But this also doesn't make Skylar a saint either or no one else besides chan ils gf. A love how everything has nuance in this manhwa. It's really well done!
Just a gay dude reading bls bc I don't got a bf
I'm an adult
Love beefy ukes gugu gaga big bewbs for the win
I swear I am a mature adult
like the way they're intimate with each other is so attractive. it is kinda different like it progressed a lot. idk how to explain itttt but this scene hit different. the way amane teases rindo too but also makes sure he doesn't go too far but just far enough its so attractive and rindo is always hot lol
At first I was confident the Armed detective agency was not actually "dead" since the guy was swallowing them but I wonder if they're truly dead? I guess atushi can steal the book page and make them come back which might be what's gonna go on right now lol idk what I'm rambling abt but wtv
Like that's why he doesn't remember atushi because I'm pretty sure Bram kinda like "took over" Akutagawa so he could fulfill his promise to the girl Akutagawa is long gone
Are we gonna ignore the fact that baby Uriel met Derek/Felix when they were an adult in the past life!? That's so insane to me but also I feel we should wait to hear the reason Uriel feels he's the cause of death. He might not actually be the cause but feel guilt. He honestly doesn't seem that bad to me as of now. But him kissing Felix without consent or consciousness is weird to me. Especially if they didn't previously consent to u doing so . I hate that troupe so much but whatever he hasn't done anything too bad besides that.
How and why is he not in therapy bro is wild.. How are u posting that on a SCHOOL website like bro??? That can REALLY impact his school life as a teacher that is humiliating on so many levels. You can't just cross boundaries like that bc someone is okay with ur bs I lit hope they don't end up together atp even though ik they are
why tf is he looking and talking to him as if he the reason they not together??? as if he went behind his back and dated mc without his permission . tf u want him to do? stop dating him bc u liked him since middle school? i h8 when characters are added into stories just to be hated and make drama its overdone and doesn't make ur story any better it ALWAYS makes it worse. im not excited to read this because of him and the obvious issues going to arise from him. he needs to gtfo. i dont mind drama but not when its boring and predictable just to enduce anger in violence in me . istg i wanna beat his ass so bad
I always just read wtv looks interesting not expecting to be hooked and then get depressed when I'm pining for the next chapter ☹ like ik we're getting somewhere with their relationship and I'm just excited also these bullies mad corny like how u calling someone a whore when ur so excited to put ur dick in somebody u barely know lmao the hypocrisy is crazy hope mc or ml beat their ass
for now anyways lol. it seems like rindo has finally put more of a clear stance on his tolerance let just hope that yanagi or his wife doesnt ruin things. also i like how them being horny is the bigger issue at hand rn for them