I feel like some people are just so used to black and white and not as much nuance and complex morals in stories. Like people aren't saying that heeseo is excused for saying taekyung is fucked up too? We are just acknowledging that they both have issues and are both horrible to each other. We see this season through the eyes for taekyung for the most part so it's obvious we see things that's easier to see him as a victim. He's a victim in some ways yes but not all ways. Things can have nuance. But it's funny seeing the switch up in the comments
He bought flowers and everything to confess KNOWING of him and yeonwoos relationship to an extent then gets SHOCKED that they are intimate in bed??? Did he think yeonwoo was lying??? What?? Bro like the way he keeps hyping his chances up are wild. His delusion needs to be studied. Why do 2nd choices always have to have side hoe mentality?? Why can't he at last think for a moment and realize he should be confessing with the intent of letting go? But nope he's gonna embarass himself cuz bum is already boutta blow his shit. I hope he takes it out on that dumbfuck. But also why tf is yeonwoo letting his insecurities hurt bum? Like you see that he genuinely cares about you and is hurt by u keeping this secret. If he keeps this habit up this will be a reason of a split up. Not some boy best friend. Although I understand the fear he shouldn't let that overcome him to the point his partner is hurt, and or his relationship is in jeopardy. Like yeonwoo was even being aggressive and borderline forceful in the midst of a tantrum because of something he brought on. Bum was wrong to lie but so was he for being silent. Both actions show the lack of trust in the other.
Yes to everything except the bestie shouldn’t have confessed at all, if he ever wanted to confess he should’ve done it sooner, he had a lifetime to do it yet he was a coward that would rather not take the chance than get rejected and live with it, knowing he’s in a relationship now should be enough reason to let go or at the very least wait till(if) he’s ever single again but he’s absolutely doing it with the hope he’ll break up with his partner and be with him AND actually has the expectation that it might likely happen (delusions level 5000) either way he’s the asshole in my eyes without question and ppl like that are insane to me, like let’s say they leave their partner for you, what kind of person would that make them and why do you think you’d be immune to being dumped for someone else next
But even if there’s conflict between the couple I love that both are right and wrong and how they still treat each other, i believe in them they can talk it out <3
I agreed to him confessing but not under circumstances like this, with the intent of it being romantic. Like he should have gave that shut up a while ago and just confessed without the flowers and candid stuff so they can move past this. Never disagreed to the confession but how he did it.
OHHH MB I DIDNT READ THAT PROPERLY!! no I agree with u but I also think it can benefit both parties if they can both be on the same page and understanding. Like he could explain his feelings or confess and move on. But no I think it's cringey how all of a sudden he wants to when danger strikes lmaooo he's a coward.