All I see is two traumatized teens trying to find peacefulness and happiness with each other. This is not a scene where one is trying while the other isn’t. He’s trying to let go and let her be happy and love properly and she’s willing to do whatever she can to hold the two up. In situations like these change can happy for the better. She’s healed and trying to help and heal the person she love. I’m usually on the train of they shouldn’t be together but I feel this could actually work out.

I think it's because the way Siyun is written. He is also written, where we can clearly see from how much we know about him, that is truely just wants to be happy with her. Like he feels like a teen who developed unhealthy mechanisms to deal with the Horrible hand he got at life.
We can fully emphasise with him and truely just want him and our main girl to be happy. He is also changing and trying to none of that. I guess he feels less malicious than other characters that would "fit" the same bill as him

This boy is spiraling and it’ll end with either him killing himself or her killing him. Even if he does change there’s too much trauma bonding and it’ll be a constant battle until those two actually sit and have a proper conversation. But they are teens and teens usually don’t do that, she has a savior complex and he has a save her complex. He want her to stay and will do whatever he could to make her stay. (⊙…⊙ )
Am I the only one that has sense that if she dies the baby wouldn’t live either. So he loses both his child and wife. (/TДT)/