xoa☆ created a topic of Only for Love

I wish I had a birkin bag just like her

Got me excited when I saw 2 chapters but then it was repeated again

I hate how the kid’s body’s are smaller and their head are big

I love her as a main character so much

After 102 chapters she realized she had feelings for him

I know it he was a royal since all the royal in the story have rainbow hair and eyes and since in a few chapters ago the hair dresser said something about him dyeing his hair

xoa☆ created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

The side story’s are so long like it’s feels like it still going to continue it’s not enjoying anymore it feels like a chore OMG

xoa☆ created a topic of Bride of Ignat

I read it in Spanish and it’s amazing but if you want spoilers but basically after she defeats the evil spirit the cat we saw the in the first chapter makes the spirit come back so it just goes on and on forever and we get to see the beautiful relationship the both characters had (I hope you understand )

xoa☆ created a topic of A Fortune-Telling Princess

Is there some scene missing bc why are the chapters so short?

xoa☆ created a topic of When Fate Finds Us

I love this so much it’s so different from the other one like the plot is good everything

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26 07,2024
xoa☆ created a topic of Shutline

When is the new season coming out I need it