yall do not read the side story the uke gets gangbanged which is disgusting.

when the uke got raped he escaped but he got lost? like for a year and the snake stayed the place where they first met for a year too and then when the uke found the place where they first met he saw the snake the snake said "ive been waiting for a while" i think theres a scene where the seme blames the uke for getting raped too because people told me that

I never said it was because of lust. I said he blames him for getting gang banged and he probably assumes he did it by choice and enjoyed it. The classic BL misunderstanding. (also there’s a part where it shows someone walking away with a limp body so I assume he ran to the snake hoping for safety or some sort of healing and trying to explain what happened to the angry snake, died somehow, and was taken away with the heartbroken and angry snake thinking he’s a slut.
ofc the author aint gon let that happiness slide cmon now