yeah redhead's an asshole for cheating but its understandabl fl is so insufferable and so is the ml they both pmo equally. redhead would've had a rlly good redemption arc but the author's just making him even more of a dick every chap, like he seriously has potential he used to be so nice to the fl, he literally worked his ass off to buy a phone for her to call him?? like no fucking way the author threw all his character down the drain just to add an annoying horse-face manwhore 2000 billion years younger than her.

So why is it understandable that the redhead cheated on his wife?? And she’s insufferable why??
Mincheol racked up debt in HER NAME? And then after years of being a bum/loser, he also verbally abuses her and expects her to take care of him (feed him, wash his clothes, etc). He spends all the money she makes working, and he only JUST got an office job.
After years of being treated like that. It’s normal for a person to become withdrawn or emotionally absent. I don’t understand why you think Haesoo is insufferable and Mincheol isn’t. There’s also no redeeming that asshole.
It seems like either you lack critical thinking or you hate women?

did i say i liked him? no hes an asshole and i mentioned that. i said he couldve had a redemption arc since he was a good character in his hs days but author ruined it. read my comment again. also its my opinion to dislike characters?? u dont expect me to like a pushover y/n insert (which again is what i THINK)

Girl, how could he redeem himself an after chapter 18-19? He threw he to the ground and said he doesn’t gaf that he cheated, and don’t even get me started on the 13 year of pure hell- just because you hate the fl doesn’t justify you wanting to her to choose trash when he had countless of years to get his shit together. Yeah,maybe there should’ve maybe communicated better especially on her part but she’s much stronger with out him.

Girl the red-hair and his oily ass could give the fl a std because of his cheating and you would say "Well it's understandable bc she's annoying." She lost her baby and when they were about to do the deeds, he insulted her? "Yeah, understandable." He fucked another woman in their house? Their bed? And he didn't even apologize? Saying it is her fault? "Yeah, he deserves a redemption arc

Yeah okay we have different opinions. I just think it’s crazy that you find a victim a “push over” after she’s been burdened with years of physical (by her family I think), verbal, and financial abuse. She’s in survival mode and it would have been nice to have a faithful, supportive husband, especially after Mincheol took part in putting her in the at position. That’s just victim blaming. And, it’s crazy that you see her abuser husband as redeemable? It’s just a crazy conclusion to come to. I just wonder if u have some sort of internalized misogyny that is leading you to hate the fl so much? And side with her horrible husband in this situation?

Make it make sense I don't hate all women??? I just hate FL do u know how dumbju sound making this Abt misogyny just cuz I hate a character? I'm a woman myself and I've always supported women but she just gets on my nerves and as I said it's my opinion If I dislike HER idc if she's a victim I never Said she wasn't or said she was at fault and I never said I supported her ex husband lol?? I literally said he was an asshole though I did say him cheating is understandable cuz I couldn't stand her that's all. And why r u getting so mad at a comment on the internet?? That just makes u look pathetic go outside.

Okay, I’ve said my part. Something’s just not clicking with you but I’m over it. I didn’t mean to come off as aggressive, sorry about that. That being said, you’re the person that’s posted up in this comment section THE MOST, so I’m not the one that’s overly mad and that needs to go outside. Seems like you do. Also, if you want to be take seriously, learn how to punctuate.
Haruki causally getting in threatening situations every chap, let bro catch his breath for a sec