Ofc everything happening in this webtoon is crazy and unhinged BUT I can't deny the plot and the dynamics between the seme and uke are really interesting. Most people might not like the seme and I do get it, he's batshit crazy but hear me out : he asked uke if he was willing to sacrifice instead of his friend and the uke agreed (so consent is there albeit with unjustified conditions) second, he cared for uke's a hole (albeit he was the one responsible for it lol) third, he might come to love uke genuinely (The feeling I'm getting).
Apart from that, the side characters are getting on my last nerves. What's up with uke's friend? Like uke sacrificed himself for that ungrateful blondie and the blondie instead of thanking him starts being skeptical that uke is enjoying his time with seme even though that illiterate blondie knows that uke is there against his will. Moreover, the comrades of uke are just as useless and fooking idiots. Can't they see how exhausted and troubled uke looks whenever he comes back from seme's room and still they think he's getting some kind of "special" treatment from seme. And lastly, I wanna see uke getting loves of loves and cuddles lol that boy deserves em

Very few works make you question life and death in a way that this author does. Such a special human being....While reading this I really thought what's there to lose? I've been going through a difficult and confusing time in my life. I didn't have a sense of direction but reading this made me so comfortable... Even comfortable with the concept of death... Thankyou to the author who shared this unique and amazing imagination with us... From the bottom of my heart thankyou

Okay so the start was great and everything and damn every little interaction they had was actually electrifying. The way that Manzhen touched Shen Fan's ear... I wanted more of that sensual skinship. Well apart from that the storyline was actually interesting and I was excited to unravel the mystery. Welp, the author could've done better with it. First of all what's with the Shen Fan getting shy even though she boiled someone's parts and saw all the remains in sink? I mean hello? Don't act like a girl in love when you saw all that disgusting shiz. Well anyways I assume she has some kind of weird ass kink or something lol. And yeah she's a world class hacker and didn't even think of informing someone about her location when the Manzhen left her alone in the home? Just inform your dad through that computer girl. Okay moving on, the story would've been 10x times better if the assualter was actually Shen Fan's father. Like that would've been such an interesting and complicated storyline. Instead, it was just that drug dealer for whom Shen Fan was working. Like girl, you worked for the person who r^ped you and also killed so many people brutally for him...that just doesn't make any sense. And that ending was wayyyy too chill for the overall tone of the story lol. Anyways it was a good effort overall

Never wrote disgusting for a manga before and that is coming from a person who has read all types of shit. Well the thing is I wasn't expecting something fucked up since the premise seemed simple and cute but when that ending came, I was like wow I could never be with a shitty person like that who enjoys my downfall. Both are retarted and should seek help. That's all.

I don't know how to describe it... I don't know how to feel rn as well but I do know is that I read till the end (though I don't think it's the end yet) and I must say I was intrigued by it till the end.
Yu er was a naive young princess who married ah jiu in a moment of infatuation. I didn't know what to expect of this kind of story. I wouldn't have read it if it was by any other author but this author really knows how to capture your attention. Everything that Yu er did with her new husband was absurd; she dressed him up and paraded him to the people and unintentionally did things that he didn't like (making him bathe, flaunt his beauty etc) and alongside this we get to see the second prince falling in love with ah jiu and the fourth one planning a conspiracy with the turks. Like let me take a moment to catch on lol and don't get me started on the weird translation that popped up randomly from time to time Well apart from yu er's initial naive acts, she really did try to change herself for ah jiu and started respecting his wishes. Ngl, their relationship did grew on me at the end and they looked cute together.
Besides the eccentric plot, what made this story even more interesting was the beginning where a masked man comes upto a girl in an open place where she was drawing and he started narrating this story. This made me really curious about the identity of the masked man and the girl.
Ya know, I kinda think that the masked man is ah jiu (the immortal) and yu er who is reincarnated. That's what my thoery is for now.
Although stories of immortals are really interesting but I avoid them because of the inevitable heartbreak that comes with it. Idk how anyone could think being an immortal is great? I can't imagine watching everyone you know or love die infront of you while you continue living.
Anyways this was a new and interesting experience for me

Okay so it starts of as the typical yaoi where the seme is just so infatuated with the uke that he can't help grape him without consent but as the uke enjoys it and his body can't help it (as usual) then the grape isn't made that big of a deal.
Now moving on to the whole vibe of this manga... Honestly, I have read a shit ton of yaois and ofc seen sex scenes as well but somehow I absolutely loved the intimate scenes drawn in this one. Idk what's different about it but it's just soo good, fluffy and warm. Also the comedic timing was really good as well in this one.
If you can ignore the grape in the start, then it's a prettt good read

Okay so peeps here are confused on why the blondie did all that shiz of virtual reality and stuff and I kinda understand what all this was about. So yeah blondie was insecure about Jesse not needing him so he made Jesse sip some drugged tea and then made him enter the vr where blondie appeared to be the only sane person and thus Jesse was cornered into relying on blondie. In the end when they both decided to die together, blondie's motive was complete. Hmm, although I'm not sure why he didn't persue Jesse when they woke up. Was he just planning to give up on Jesse and die afterwards? Or did he already knew that Jesse can't live without him so he waited for him? The last one seems like the most plausible. Psychologically manipulating Jesse into being dependent on blondie. So yeah this is what I somewhat understood

I think it's the first one. Law felt satisfied with the time they spent together in the VR and he didn't actually want to be equals so he didn't want to go further with that. He was like 'i achieved my goal, you can just continue to live your life now', so he wanted to let Jesse go while he wastes away in the old one.

Law is an unreliable narrator! He becomes more lost and obsessed than ever after leaving vr because part of what made him obsessed with Jesse was his unbreakable will. After achieveing his goal of “breaking” Jesse I think he realizes how meaningless it was if he had to go to such lengths to engineer it. In the end I think he understands that what he did will always make him inferior to Jesse and didn’t think of what would come next so he goes to self soothe, himself the one that ended up mentally broken instead. Even after all that, Jesse remains strong of mind and will. He even decides to go back for Law, feeling that he finally fully understands how deeply unwell he is, unable to leave him alone. As kids, Jesse did love Law but he could also live without him because he is strong mentally. He says very directly to Law as a kid that “this is the last time he will sob over him and lose his composure and act dependent”. Think about it, most people can live on after loss. Jesse is one of those people who will have regrets, but will pick himself up. He wanted Law, but would not throw his own life away to have him and tells Law this. Law wants obsession. He wants somebody as obsessed as him because he thinks it will ease his anxiety. But after everything in VR I think he realizes that didn’t bring him the comfort he thought it would.
I commented here before as well when there weren't many chapters out and I was actually curious on how the story will unfold but the newer chapters are all about everyone wanting to rape the uke... Like wtf. Even the seme is being a piece of shit. Not only is he fucking uke continously but like dude at least don't do it on the street and let him rest his hole Seriously, justice for uke's chest and hole. Idk how the uke's hole is still tight because he's being f ed like crazy. Idk what that poor uke did in his previous life to be treated this way but I haven't seen this bad of a treatment in a yaoi before. This feels like such a waste of a potential yaoi zombie storyline. Why would the author create such an interesting storyline with hot characters and then do this shit. Urgh still hoping, the plot will get a bit better somehow. I will comment again if it gets better....or worse.