Hot damn, he looks like Muraki but kuro had a hotter hairstyle
Hot damn, he looks like Muraki but kuro had a hotter hairstyle
Bottoms like Liber are refreshing compared to those weak-willed bottoms. Boys aren't supposed to be frail and shite in the first place. nuff' said.
Men.. or boys.. can be whatever they want. Just like Women or girls. You want equality, that means both sexes can be, do, or feel whatever they want. Some Guys enjoy being soft and marshmallowy...and in this gay man's opinion its adorable. I like all kinds of Uke's mind you. I just like them to be who they are.
Its fine do have your own taste but don't be sexist nor tell people how they should be. Uncool.
"To each his own" as the saying goes, it's my preferences in men, bottom or top, whatever it is. It might be how I constructed my sentence or whatever I deemed wrong if my opinion have offended you, then I deeply apologize.