Jahid seriously your personality is hot lmao. I just like carefree characters.
The sex was on fire I am not disappointed with any moment of it (well except for that orgy slave thing, still little bit hot tho. Not complaining or anything)
But will Jahid leave tho? I feel they're better exploring the world, together.
For me their romance ain't rush, my guy should meet an ESTP real life, you'll get completely whiplash for their spontaneity. Love their character dynamic.
Maybe I just love strong ukes, sorry I just hate ukes that are boring (yes I am looking at you Dan 'Jinx', have a backbone will you?)
no substance.
lack of plot
i love bdsm but it aint it chief
Madam, it's only 3 chapters lol
Girl you know yourself this story going to be on some bull
My dear 3 chap is the bare minimum to start, have some hope lol
But sis we all know how this is going to end