ADateWithDeathFan's experience ( All 0 )

ADateWithDeathFan's answer ( All 71 )

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Dreamt I was adventuring through some snowy place and it was being narrated by the lore lodge guy from youtube. It was a really interesting dream even tho i cant remember half of it.   reply
5 days
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I would want them to choose me. While yes, it would hurt to lose my child if I did end up in this situation, depending if it causes me health problems/infertility We could have another. I would be destroyed if they chose my child over me because I genuinely dont want to die. I would feel betrayed they’d rather have that baby than me, i’d t......   reply
11 days
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Honestly, I cant say much about how to make her feel better since i dont know her but do ask her what you can do to support her better. If she wants any support from you, besides what you are doing of course. Try to ask in a way which can make her feel open to her saying what she needs, often people feel like their a burden and dont want to ask for......   1 reply
14 days
Normal school day, friend tells me about this certain manhwa, which i think we all know, he and I begin reading it during lunch, go home. Damn. I want to know what happens next, cue searching the internet for it. Find this site, read killing stalking, wow! That was incredibly fucked. Go to the home page. Wow! Theres so many things to read here. A......   2 reply
19 days

ADateWithDeathFan's question ( All 26 )

about question
Im not very fond of dogs, and when I express this some people act like ive throw their newborn into a lake while making direct eye contact.

I used to like dogs, I owned two dogs (-1 cause she died) I still have one and he is the most annoying little shit. I love him, but I would never get another dog after he passes. He stinks, no matter how much you wash him. He howls and howls to be let inside whenever I get home if i don't let him in right that second. He wont go outside at night unless you bribe him, he lets out these ROTTEN. AND I MEAN ROTTEN. farts which you need to evacuate for. He doesnt understand that I dont like getting licked, especially in the face.
23 hours
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Do you or do you not like ice cream cones?

Personally, never liked them. They taste strange and feel weird to chew but I know alot of people enjoy them, is there a certain aspect to them you like? Like is it the taste or the texture of how they feel when you eat them?
14 days
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Like they can literally be doing nothing and they are so adorable. My cat just came up on my bed bc its bedtime and she usually sleeps on my bed with me and plopped herself near my legs so her back is touching me and shes purring away. I want to hug her tightly her oh my god.

Shes so cute its literally making me feel violent. I dont want to be violent but shes so cute i want to punch something.
20 days
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If you know what im talking about and have any links to clothing brands/ know any shops which which make clothes like that PLEASEEEEEEEEEE SEND ME THEMMM. CUTESY OR ALTERNATIVE IDC I LIKE BOTH.
19 05,2024
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I want to start loosing some weight and building a little bit of muscle but I dont want to go to the gym. Im really self conscious and I think I would have a panic attack if I did go. I know most of the people there wont judge me but I hate being perceived and even thinking about peoples eyes on me makes me panic.
I do have a Exercise bike but I can only do so much with it lol. Any advice will help besides telling me go just go to the gym. I can buy some semi expensive stuff but im not really looking to purchase anything expensive.
12 05,2024