GrellMyBeloved asked a question

I accidentally changed the layout to desktop version while reading a chapter and I tried to change it back, but no matter how many times I press on the mobile version it doesn't go back. Everything else is fine, like the homepage and that it's just when I start reading it comes up as desktop.

It's really annoying and won't change back, is it a glitch or am I just pressing the wrong thing??

GrellMyBeloved followed question about question

after reading stalker's game i've been wanting to read more

04 08,2024
GrellMyBeloved asked a question

It's sorta like this artstyle and how they dress
But she was a baby at the first couple of chapters and her mum was like incredibly mean and took these pill things which enhanced her ice energy or whatever.

GrellMyBeloved asked a question

Does anyone know any good romance manhwa where the ml isnt like a crown prince, duke of the north or like this super powerful (in term of like status, if hes strong thats fine.) knight? Im kinda sick of it. Ive already read Kill the villainess.

GrellMyBeloved followed question about friends getting together

I’m in a four person friend group. Person A is dating person B. However person A still likes person C who they’ve had a crush on since 5th grade. Person C is dating someone outside of the friend group, but C told me they like person B and don’t know what to do about it. Person B falls in and out of love very easily and says even though they l......

08 07,2024
GrellMyBeloved followed question about favorite youtube channel

I know not a lot of people like the media critiquing side of youtube (and for understandable reasons) but I personally love an hour video of someone just analyzing a show/movie/game in a good or negative light, even if I haven't experienced said media.

08 07,2024
GrellMyBeloved followed question about your opinions

Just asking, are online jobs legit? like free lancing and stuff. I'm still a student atm and I kinda want to try and have some experience on having online jobs and want to earn some extra cash, too. please drop your experiences or knowledge lol (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

07 07,2024
GrellMyBeloved answered question about your opinions
I started with webtoon with mostly het historical romance action plot based, a friend introduced me to a certain psychological manhwa which people often mistake for bl even though it isn’t considered one.. and I went on a journey from there. While i still kept up with the ones i was reading before, i was reading 90% bl. Ive slowly began moving o......
GrellMyBeloved asked a question

Is step bro end game? I went into it under the impression he wasnt cause i saw a comment saying he wasnt and it was someone else but now im doubting he isnt the ml.

GrellMyBeloved asked a question

I remember this one manhwa i think it was and he was like a convience store worker but he was like realllyyyyy good at fighting due to his past (cant remember that atm) and these people come in and cause a ruckus, after it he follows then out into the alleyway and beats then up and then somehow gets scouted to go into these schools and beat these students up cause of some important reason.

GrellMyBeloved answered question about question
Dreamt I was adventuring through some snowy place and it was being narrated by the lore lodge guy from youtube. It was a really interesting dream even tho i cant remember half of it.
GrellMyBeloved asked a question

I actually cant remember anything about it besides this one scene, he was in one of those martial art school things taking the enterance (?) exam and this lady was playing this instrument and everyone else was suffering but he wasnt? He also like didnt have one of the things your meant to have to do martial arts but i think he gained it later?

GrellMyBeloved answered question about question
I would want them to choose me. While yes, it would hurt to lose my child if I did end up in this situation, depending if it causes me health problems/infertility We could have another. I would be destroyed if they chose my child over me because I genuinely dont want to die. I would feel betrayed they’d rather have that baby than me, i’d t......
GrellMyBeloved answered question about question
Honestly, I cant say much about how to make her feel better since i dont know her but do ask her what you can do to support her better. If she wants any support from you, besides what you are doing of course. Try to ask in a way which can make her feel open to her saying what she needs, often people feel like their a burden and dont want to ask for......
GrellMyBeloved asked question about question

Do you or do you not like ice cream cones? Personally, never liked them. They taste strange and feel weird to chew but I know alot of people enjoy them, is there a certain aspect to them you like? Like is it the taste or the texture of how they feel when you eat them?

GrellMyBeloved created a topic of Homeless/No Home

Report it to the police and say the old man did it, yknow send him to jail for alittle. Frame him

GrellMyBeloved answered question about thank yaoi for existing
Normal school day, friend tells me about this certain manhwa, which i think we all know, he and I begin reading it during lunch, go home. Damn. I want to know what happens next, cue searching the internet for it. Find this site, read killing stalking, wow! That was incredibly fucked. Go to the home page. Wow! Theres so many things to read here. A......
GrellMyBeloved asked a question

Any bl where the mc has like alternative fashion or anything? Im sick of the standard where they basically all look the same but in slightly different fonts if you know what i mean?

GrellMyBeloved created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence