She's your average pretty JK who thinks oh so highly of herself, even shitting on the nice guys like sumo.
But the story's nice so I'll stay

Not really? She's cold, practical and calculating, qualities quite important for her survival in that world... She didn't really degrade or said anything bad/ untrue about sumo... She just thought she could make some money out of his innocence but what did you expect? That "innocent" sumo guy walked in a brothel like it was nothing, trying to chat with a prostitute... A sheltered spoiled gullible brat is what he seemed like to me... Although to be fair he seems like a good person overall my point is he would make an unreliable ally. Considering the MC is treated like shit and knows she and most women are seen as lesser, did you think she would rely on that seemingly unreliable sumo guy to help her? Nah
And yes she's right to think of that otaku as a disgusting shity weirdo, because frankly, he is... Every time he utters a word I shiver in disgust! His ulterior motives and delusions are clear to both the MC and the readers! He's no hero, not even a bit kind and I think him getting cheat powers is undeserved and potentially harmful to the world

An otome isekai where the story actually bracnhes off completely from the start? That's a first.
Usually it's villains either mid story trying not to get rekt (or actually want to fall and fail miserably) or the life of the villainsess after she gets done whatever is done to her.
But here she starts an adventure as a character that went from being the main antagonist to someone who's name isn't even known by any of the characters in the story.

If anyone hurts this mc I would shove their fists so far up their ass that their only type of communication coming from their mouth would be sign language

Also for you guys you don't know: when you accidentally or purposely ad rubbing alcohol to your bum beware you will immediately feel like someone just threw a flaming cat at your anus followed by a looming sense of death and it doesn't matter how many times you pour water over it if it seeps inside of your ass it's game over
Don't ask me how I acquire this information just trust me

I really can't place myself in this one...
173 cm? That's like, my country's average.
My MOM is that long??

Japanese people are really small!!! Girls taller than 1,60 are seen as too tall!!!
Search photod of tall people in Japan, you will laught all the hard thing they live in Japan because everything is small!!!
Also, Japan, like many Asians countries, people judge a lot, specially women/girls and it is worse if they don't look like the ideal!!!
Cute and hot, the writer sure has a gift going for them