Live your life with no boundaries. Never isolate yourself hoping that one day someone will notice you. Encourage yourself to interact with everyone and enjoy every passing moment, so that you never grow up and find yourself alone with no one to turn to, regretting the youthful days that you've wasted. Never restrain yourself because of anyone, or f......

2019-04-02 10:38 marked

I love this! I have advice on a few fronts. 1) Be consistent with your dreams. Reason: It is easy to just "have" a dream. I want to be a cake designer. I want to work in Italian finance. I want to live in Thailand one day. Random examples, but legitimate dreams I've heard from friends. The key to accomplishing a dream is to be consistent and to M......

2019-04-01 06:11 marked

27 here. These are just the things I'd have told to my younger-self: jump to the oppurtunities! They are rare and the world's full of beautiful things. Don't hesitate, don't let your fears and worries chain you to the ground. Be confident! You are beautiful, smart and needed! People does not define you, you define yourself and you can be anyone you......

2019-04-01 06:02 marked

For the uptight ones: Don't take everything too seriously. For the not serious enough ones: Tomorrow always comes. Don't make today's fun tomorrows pain. Yes, you have to live with the consequences of your actions so don't do something stupid that you will have to live with but don't stress too much about shit that doesn't and will not matter a ......

2019-04-01 06:01 marked

It's ok to choose a safe career and have fun hobbies. Sometimes security is more valuable than an art degree. There is a lot of emphasis on chasing your dreams these days, but I think it leads to a lot more unhappiness than it does happiness. In this era, it's very possible to work on something you love on the side, and if it blossoms in to a caree......

2019-04-01 05:59 marked

All very good answers here. I agree, but will add mine. I'm 49, and I can't believe it because I still feel like I'm in my 20s inside! My suggestions are things that I wish I had done more of myself: I will repeat the one about basically loving yourself no matter what. Always keep your self esteem high, and don't let others dictate to you what ......

2019-04-01 05:59 marked

Honestly? No one gives a shit about the 'embarrassing' things you do. Like as long as it's not offensive and an honest mistake it'll fade away. Same thing about you're insecuritys. No one noticed or cared that you had a giant stain on your shit on the bus or about the massive pimple on your cheek or what ever. and if they do say something about it ......

2019-04-01 05:53 marked

Stop leaving things to "fate". There's no such thing. Everything that happens, happens because of you and the choices you make. "If it's meant to be fate will bring us back together" NO STOP. If you love someone, if you want something, if you want to go somewhere work hard for it. It's not always going to work but you need to try to do something a......

2019-04-01 05:49 marked

On love: You will never find the right person. Such a creature does not exist. Romance eventually dies down and it's a natural progression. To expect that someone will love you on the same intense level from the day you met 'til the end of your days is like expecting the sun to never set. Such expectations on love has lead many people to leave per......

2019-04-01 05:44 marked

Look up stoicism. Its not a religion but a philosophy that makes a lot of sense, for the most part. Time is your most precious resource. Spend it wisely with people you care about and who genuinely care about you, doing things that matter to you or those you care about. Find a a way to be alone without being lonely. This usually means being fine ......

2019-04-01 05:42 marked

Finance advice! Don't laugh, it's the most useful and easy advice you'll read here. Get ready because this will make your future way better without you needing to do anything that requires much effort! 1: Get a credit card. The sooner the better. A steady 1-2% rewards with no monthly fees card is what you want. Once you have it, use it as if it wa......

2019-04-01 05:04 marked

I'm 44, so I'll add my 2c here. Take chances. Make mistakes. Fail. And learn from all of it. The caveat, of course, is that there is a limit to how epically one can fail and still not have life suck big purple fuzzy donkey balls for the rest of your life. But no one succeeds at everything they do. (Even Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, I promise!) E......

2019-04-01 04:56 marked

I am 42 and I have only one advice: Do not idealise anything! Do not idealise love, marriage, religion, politics, your career, your children etc... We are all humans and everyone will fail at some point. I often see ppl with lofty ideals and when those ideals come crashing down, some never recover and to this day hold grudges. I see parents who pla......

2019-04-01 04:49 marked

1. I really think majority of this question comes from young girls that haven’t experienced a lot. I am a female and I’m 20 but I’ve been told I’m really mature, so I have a lot of friends and a lot of diversity. Being around actual gay men, they’d know there is no judging upon appearance. Because they haven’t interacted with a lot of g......

2019-01-06 03:22 marked

yep. my first time was with a girl (imma gold star lesbian lol) and her body was so so soft and the everything was very hot. her body is gorgeous and is literally heaven. when we fucked it was kinda like.. with feelings n shit (but were not together lmao) shes out of the country rn and im rlly excited to see her when she comes back cause were plann......

2018-12-07 03:14 marked

i use memrise, hiragana learn experiment, katakana pro and infinite Japanese. hiragana learning experiment helped me a lot when it comes to being able to write the symbols. i found katakana pro later on and used that one also to help with katakana. infinite japanese is a simple game that helps you learn new words and kanji so i like it a lot. i hav......

2018-08-24 03:33 marked

Ok, so... I'm starting to learn japonese as well, but I already have experience with studying Korean (for 6 months approximately) and I also have done some research in how to iníciate with my japonese learning, so here goes my suggestions: 1) Learn the Hiragana and Katakana alphabet; How to write and pronounce them. 2) Begin learning some Kanji ......

2018-08-24 03:33 marked

I use apps. Duplingo, katakana pro, memrise (my favorite), and then if you type in "kanji first grade" it should give you a blue app with Japanese kanji on it. It's an app they use in Japan and they have it all they way up to 8th grade or something. So I'd go duolingo and do all the lessons they have on hiragana (I think it's the first 4) then -> k......

2018-08-24 03:32 marked

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