It's not a true harem but it IS a psuedo-harem. Too many useless women in very, very gross positions.
Not a single man is drawn grossly like that. If they are though, they are getting raped or sexually assaulted by the MC's farm equipment or the MC's friends who pulls the bad guy legs through a gate and gets his dick squished.
They couldn't come up with punishments that is NOT sexual as assault for the bad guys? Please.
The ML blames the FL for being drunk and coming on to him. No. If he had sex with her while she's drunk that is RAPE. He RAPED her. She cannot consent under that condition. What audacity.
It doesn't help that ML's vice president has a prejudice against divorced women. Ew.
There's a nasty, judgemental veil of a nice woman has to be married for her to be nice to FL. Unmarried women are all skanks. -_-
Oooh, shit. I almost took this seriously.