the creepy guy is scarier than everything else it just doesn't feel right when u look at him
the brother is so ugh he's so mean to his friend and also guilt trips his brother who wants to talk to his parents as if him saying something will actually be him ruining their whole family thats a shitty thing to say to someone then like isolating him even blocked his friend so he can't messege him like yikes
Oh my god i love her and her mom and granny iare so hot like damn
this shit ate so hard we love it when they match eachothers freak
don't worry haruki shirayuki is a damn tank nothin takin him out
the sex scenes feel so loving and softly passionate its so nice
im sorry i understand being protective and loving your loved ones but the dad is just too much sometimes throughout the story it just feels weird like when he.said he wishes that only he would be by juvelains side forever it seems sometimes that he wants to be her lover or something and his constant rejection of max who he basically raised i say that because for max it doesn't seem that anyone cares for him in the palace and he's the most father figure like person he had and the dad calls him a monster and all this stuff as if he didn't have a hand in raising him and doesn't know the reason why and then the dad acting as if he hasn't known this kid his whole just really seems like he doesn't actually respect his daughters wishes when he goes as far as to harrass the guy she likes and tries to fight him. does he not realize that would hurt his daughter? lol i think he's just selfish in that aspect esp when he's burning their private letters and i cringed so hard when they were at that party when juvelian yelped a tiny bit when she was with max and he acted like she just fell of a.balcony and picked her up like a princess and left
bro im not even mad at lola im more upset at seho
guys im on chapter 28 and the misunderstandings..... they are killing me they are outrageously silly and feel forced. does it get better? should i continue?
this is my most favorite isekai villainess manga ever bro no prolonged side plot thats annoying an amazingly annoying redeemless villain and smart cunning main character it has everything . the side characters are interesting and you grow to really like them the shop keeper is one of my favs this climax is very satisfying
What divine being did haruki offend in his past life to be this cursed
sure shirayuki has questionable torture methods and morals but you cant argue that he doesn't do it all for haruki so that hes okay , just somehow haruki just attracts the worst people lmao
am i the only one getting a bit annoyed with Lloyd sure its fine he's protective but girl can't show affection to an animal or hug her own dad without him trying to pick dumb fights and send death threats. i feel like the mc could have so much done by now if he wasnt breathing down her neck all the time i prefer his personality from when he was younger he was somehow more mature and thought things through and had more of a personality
guys go to mangadex they are uploading chapters there
its not like she was raped by some dude like that is like their actual child and they just left them behind childbirth is really hard on a womans body ain'tno way she's traveling around like nothing happened right after also to me it doesn'tmake much sense why they didn'tjustkeep being the rulers through them they could've fixed alot of what they didn'tlike about the country sure his friends there but they could avoid a war like they wanted to easier . also the main character is so dumb and a pushover i dislike that and she apologizes too much over stuff that makes no sense to apologize like when she told him sorry for "taking advantage of his protection" whst other choice did she have but go along with what he himself wanted. overall stick to the porn im not against having a story but this could've been better as a 2 parter just didn't need all this lore of this war and country we never really got a reason to care about stopping.
i feel like her ex fiance deserved better along with her peers like atleast an extra showing atleast hint at a happy ending for them or like kassiel find a new girlfriend or its hinted at