I'm gonna assume Ijekiel is exactly like his dad but their goals are completely different. I have know clue what his goal really is but it's probably got nothing to do with the plan his father has. He just seems like he's obsessed with Athanasia, to a really creepy level. When he was younger he just seemed normal or calm. Now it seems like he'd pop out of her closet at any minute. I mean how did he even see her? Maybe he saw Lucas and just assumed she was near by. He couldn't possibly be that lucky.
I feel Emiel probably has more of a duty bound feeling than love for her. Like, he takes pride in knowing he's protecting someone who in his eyes has changed his Lord and his surroundings for the better and that person chose him. I'm not sure how to put it but it's not a ship kinda of love. Either way, no ship is sailing with that father who wants to keep her safe and an obviously overprotective brother. I cannot imagine her brother letting anyone get that close to her. If there is anyone who could be shipped with her they have two very big obstacles to go through.