"No wonder he was acting weird on the time we had sex before the match" bitch, you literally told him to do his "job" and stop thinking about useless things, he was your therapist and side bitch, so he did his "job" and behaved accordingly to the lord JK's requests. Fuck you and fuck your "I feel like shit" imagine how Dan felt when everyone else bought you a ton fuck of expensive gifts, which already made him feel like his was shit (even tho it was fkn expensive) and then have it flung across the room and getting threatened that this pathetic "relationship" would end if you catched feelings and didn't do his "job" properly. Bitch bye
He doesn't care about apparently anything the uke does, says or whatever happens to him. But then hets all flustered when uke send him on his marry way cuz he wanna stay with his friend xD stay outside like a good boy and reflect on your actions