They are all fucking shot but, Heesu? Nah Hessu can go and die for all O care. That threesome dp was completely unnecessary and totally instigated by him because he os a sycho
The scanlation group added a sneaky line on J's list "join lilith scanlations" xD On a serious note, someone kind enough can provide the linky link of the novel pretty please?
search mentol translation for their wordpress, they have been doing the translation and trying to catch up the novel current chapters everyday. Do note that the novel is actually not complete yet. Enjoy the novel :3
and she had AUDACITY of saying "I still think theres better options out ther" LIKE WHO THE FUCK ASKED YOU???! What shitty excuse for you meddling was that?!
I feel so bad for her because she's just a kid. What she's doing is wrong but it's a lot easier to understand her coming to this conclusion BECAUSE she is so youjg.
I feel so bad for her because she's just a kid. What she's doing is wrong but it's a lot easier to understand her coming to this conclusion BECAUSE she is so youjg. Cadapech
yeah no. there is a universal law of minding your own business. she can have her opinion but what she‘s doing is overstepping boundaries. so no I do not feel bad for her. and she may be young but not a child. she’s old enough to know that. it‘s bad enough when parents do this but who is she to be so involved in a 30+ year old‘s personal shit? she is projecting her own problems onto him. I don‘t even think it‘s coming from the perspective of a person that just genuinely cares about him. I‘m sniffing a hint of jealousy and the need to sabotage someone‘s hapiness because she‘s miserable. I love how you have such a positive view on her as a character tho. even if I can‘t agree
I feel so bad for her because she's just a kid. What she's doing is wrong but it's a lot easier to understand her coming to this conclusion BECAUSE she is so youjg. Cadapech
Sure if she was dealing w her little problem internally that’s one thing, ACTIVELY acting and doing things that could sabotage their relationship without consulting the man in question himself???? That’s a big no-no. She’s clearly a teenager, she should be smart enough to figure out that doing sh*t like this is crossing the line.
I feel so bad for her because she's just a kid. What she's doing is wrong but it's a lot easier to understand her coming to this conclusion BECAUSE she is so youjg. Cadapech
Sorry love but I can't feel anything for people that KNOW what they're doing is wrong. She isn't like the lil kod that hangs around them, she is grown enough to umderstand that "she isn't normal" in her words. She asked kwon about girlfriends and women and relationships and he basically told her to mind her business, and she decided ON HER OWN that what he has with baby daddy is not good for him. So yes, she needs to resolve her own inner demons and go touch some grass, which she has plenty of at the village. She is miserable because mr kwon doesn't give a rats ass about other people's opinions and just enjoys this sweet relationship, while healing himself.
Sorry love but I can't feel anything for people that KNOW what they're doing is wrong. She isn't like the lil kod that hangs around them, she is grown enough to umderstand that "she isn't normal" in her words.... Kitty-nyah *0*
I'm laughing at these replies because we're all expecting teenagers to act as if they're grown adults. Absolutely she knows what she's doin is wrong but guess what's higher during the throws of puberty? Impulsivity. Here you have a CHILD because a teenager is still a child, adolescent, minor faced with a problem that ADULTS in the SOCIETY she lives in are telling her is wrong. So she's going to follow what the authorities give her and do her best to find what SHE THINKS is a better solution. Is it a better solution? Absolutely not. IDoes this reason justify her actions? NO. But she is YOUNG and its easy to see why she WOULD do this when you look at where she grew up and how she's living. To be honest this is the most realistic way this could show up in this manhwa given the types of societies manhwas portray and it's hilarious to see you guys automatically jump down her throat instead of remember that SHE IS A CHILD WHO IS PROCESSING SOME SORT OF TRAUMA AND NEEDS HELP TOO.
I'm laughing at these replies because we're all expecting teenagers to act as if they're grown adults. Absolutely she knows what she's doin is wrong but guess what's higher during the throws of puberty? Impulsi... Cadapech
Idk about her having trauma or anything but maybe we’ll see how it goes??? Also sure it is realistic but her actions have real consequences on people around her. Teenagers r kids but they’re not 8, they have enough intelligence to digest and think of the actions they make. Im not saying ‘Oh she’s evil!! I hate her’ but queer ppl being forced to marry the opposite gender or being outed by ppl who have ‘trauma’ do happen and it’s not any easier to digest just bc its in fictional form. Im saying this as an bisexual girl.
I'm laughing at these replies because we're all expecting teenagers to act as if they're grown adults. Absolutely she knows what she's doin is wrong but guess what's higher during the throws of puberty? Impulsi... Cadapech
yes she is young. we all know she is young. but even kids know that you can‘t just make an online dating profile for someone. it‘s literally illegal. We have all been kids at some point and we were all impulsive to an extent. but this goes beyond impulsivity. she thought that through and she continues to act on it. young or not. teenagers can distinguish right from wrong. do they make stupid decisions once in a while? yes. but this goes beyond a stupid decision. nobody‘s expecting her to act like an adult. expecting someone to not impersonate someone else, or to stay out of someone else‘s business is not expecting her to act grown. most of the readers on this platform are quite young themselves so they KNOW what it‘s like in her shoes. and as a queer woman myself that barely stepped foot into adulthood I too know that this goes beyond sudden teenage impulsivity. I simply do not feel bad for people that feel the need to make their own problems everyone else‘s problem. especially considering how caring kwon has been so far. even kids know not to overstep. and using society as an excuse for her is laughable. society may be telling her how to think about same sex relationship but it is definitely NOT telling her to impersonate someone to make an online dating profile. it‘s literally a crime. a well known crime. the only understandable thing regarding her character are her thoughts. her actions tho? f no
Idk about her having trauma or anything but maybe we’ll see how it goes??? Also sure it is realistic but her actions have real consequences on people around her. Teenagers r kids but they’re not 8, they hav... Nico
Oh absolutely I'm not saying her actions don't have consequences But the overboard reactions I see are what has me laughing.
Oh absolutely I'm not saying her actions don't have consequences But the overboard reactions I see are what has me laughing. Cadapech
There's nothing overboard. How old is she? Prolly 16/17? She is a teen yes but at that age you KNOW right from wrong. She made a fake profile in his name, gave his personal info and cell phone. Who knows what else she will do.. out them to the entire village? Kids and teenagers are not stupid, and she definitely isn't eating ice creams with her forehead, so she has an understanding of what she is doing.
For the first time in my 30 years of breathing, a spoiler ruined me of a good read xD now every chapter I feel anxious with "when will it turn to shit" thoughts
I have never felt so damned confused about a fucking manhwa. There is so much shit going on. The mmml is MIA for how many chapters? There is a cult of cannibals, flashbacks, half the dudes look the same, the names are confusing.. my head gurts bro.
1- girl mind your business and try figuring your shit out. 2- he definitely healed Kown's inner child that felt lonely 3- babe... he got receits on your ass xD
Imagine saying he will take responsibility until the day he dies, and then have the audacity of dying the next week xD now that would be a cruel plot twist xD
They are all fucking shot but, Heesu? Nah Hessu can go and die for all O care. That threesome dp was completely unnecessary and totally instigated by him because he os a sycho